Active Member
+1 on the dashcam.
Even if it failed to get the majority of the incident (spinning car), you can (if suitably equipped) get them to show GPS position and speed (my Nextbase does this, even if you disable the on screen display, it embeds the data in the video). I'm sure the Police love this as it also means everyone is potentially recording themselves speeding and so on - but it would corroborate speed before, reacting and after, plus show results of actions. Although generally only in one direction (my wife got hit by someone on a mobile phone, from the rear, so a frontal cam would have been sod all good apart from the "What happened there" bump footage).
Granted that's hindsight, and not overly much use - however everyone appears to be ok (which is good) and cars can be fixed/replaced. Presumably you've been asked for the descriptions and to draw a diagram - and been as objective as possible.
Regardless of fault assignment at this point, insurance will go up regardless - due to the "Have you been involved in an accident, even if not at fault, in the last X years" if it is found in your sons favour, highlight the likely increased premiums in the costs of a claim.
grober is right, as if you say "oops" or "sorry", you admit fault, which is what insurers want to avoid (paying out)....last time I had a bump it was so clearly my fault it was untrue, with no argument, so I did so at the scene....pissed off my insurer, but arguably saved much fart arsing about for all concerned!
As has been pointed out, your son had right of way, which counts for quite a bit. He took avoiding action and only (and inadvertently) caused an someone a minor injury after losing control having trying to avoid a collision. He did good, so let him know that
Even if it failed to get the majority of the incident (spinning car), you can (if suitably equipped) get them to show GPS position and speed (my Nextbase does this, even if you disable the on screen display, it embeds the data in the video). I'm sure the Police love this as it also means everyone is potentially recording themselves speeding and so on - but it would corroborate speed before, reacting and after, plus show results of actions. Although generally only in one direction (my wife got hit by someone on a mobile phone, from the rear, so a frontal cam would have been sod all good apart from the "What happened there" bump footage).
Granted that's hindsight, and not overly much use - however everyone appears to be ok (which is good) and cars can be fixed/replaced. Presumably you've been asked for the descriptions and to draw a diagram - and been as objective as possible.
Regardless of fault assignment at this point, insurance will go up regardless - due to the "Have you been involved in an accident, even if not at fault, in the last X years" if it is found in your sons favour, highlight the likely increased premiums in the costs of a claim.
grober is right, as if you say "oops" or "sorry", you admit fault, which is what insurers want to avoid (paying out)....last time I had a bump it was so clearly my fault it was untrue, with no argument, so I did so at the scene....pissed off my insurer, but arguably saved much fart arsing about for all concerned!
As has been pointed out, your son had right of way, which counts for quite a bit. He took avoiding action and only (and inadvertently) caused an someone a minor injury after losing control having trying to avoid a collision. He did good, so let him know that