In considering this incident and before imposing the penalties, the race stewards should have perhaps asked the following question.
Did this particular incident in which Hamilton was deemed to have "gained an unfair advantage" ----MATERIALLY EFFECT THE FINAL RACE RESULT AND THE DRIVER WINNING ORDER. From all the available evidence pre and post the disputed racing incident the answer is no. The imposition of a 10 grid place penalty in the next race would have been a fairer decision under the circumstances ( if such a penalty was deserved at all

This whole
post winning driver presentation ceremony protest makes a mockery of the sport. Once the drivers award ceremony has taken place that's it. Any repercussions -thats for the next race.
Formula one is rapidly becoming like the Eurovison song contest.
Hier sind die Stimmen für das McLaren-Team--------- null Punkte
qui sono i voti per la "bella" ferrari squadra ----di dieci punti !!!!!!!!!!!