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Anyone watch Mr Bates vs The Post Office ?

Not just that, but what was the motivation for the PO under Vennells to abort the investigation by Second Sight and instruct them to destroy all records and information that that they had collected, and who signed off that decision?

Applying either the Duck Test or Occam's Razer (or, indeed, both) points to the same conclusion: people at many levels within the PO (and Fujitsu) were aware that something bad was happening and engaged in a systematic cover-up to protect their own skins and - in their eyes - the reputation of their respective brands. Notwithstanding the difficulties of working out what truly happened two or more decades ago, that it has taken four years of an expensive inquiry failing to uncover who those people were and when they knew that what the organisation was doing stank is ridiculous. To many it suggests that insufficient effort / pointed investigation has thus far been expended to root out those responsible for reasons that are unclear. And that is one of the reasons that conspiracy theories abound

I’ve obviously worked in two many organisations run with KPI’s where the understanding of what’s going on just two levels down, or sideways, has been appalling.

Enormous frauds, and weird “Spanish practices” going on for years, hidden in arcane, dull, remote parts of the business.

Captain Bob at the Mirror comes to mind. So many “must have known” but apparently didn’t.
I’ve obviously worked in two many organisations run with KPI’s where the understanding of what’s going on just two levels down, or sideways, has been appalling.
I too encountered that during my career, and in business improvement roles often being the the person - or the person responsible for a team - who shone a light on the weird and wonderful "practices" that managers who really should have known what was going on but didn't.

One thing I learned was how ubiquitous the knowledge of those practices often was, with - apparently - the manager(s) with line responsibility being the only one's who "didn't know".

Me cynical? You bet.
It is uplifting to see the groundswell of support for the 700(?) sub postmasters that were affected by the IT scandal, and to hear the universal condemnation of the people apparently responsible.
But I do wonder where all this support and condemnation has been for the past 20 years.

As an aside, is it certain that there were no guilty sub postmasters? That all shortfalls highlighted by the Horizon system were due to IT failure?
Apologies, I don't know how to put this but every single post office I know round my way (a good 6 plus) and the majority that I visit whilst out and about are run by sub continental Asians. In most cases it seems especially with the older ones that English is not their first language. I just wonder if they were the poor's sods more likely to be the ones that were "blackmailed" into accepting the charges ???????
Apologies, I don't know how to put this but every single post office I know round my way (a good 6 plus) and the majority that I visit whilst out and about are run by sub continental Asians. In most cases it seems especially with the older ones that English is not their first language. I just wonder if they were the poor's sods more likely to be the ones that were "blackmailed" into accepting the charges ???????
Do you mean that they could have been easily intimidated by police/prosecutors/investigators who took advantage of their shakey English?
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Do you mean that they could have been intimidated by police/prosecutors/investigators?

Dunno what I'm thinking really. I love my local center of the community Asian postmistress (probably in her 70's) and her hired help mother (probably in her 90's !!!!!!!! ) and even after all these years their English is not great. I have a unusual surname and she finds it somewhat amusing. I can just imagine they would cave in no time if the PO heavies came a knocking just due to the language barrier and the overwhelming nature of it. Whilst a British born would be more likey to tell them to F off, possibly ???
Dunno what I'm thinking really. I love my local center of the community Asian postmistress (probably in her 70's) and her hired help mother (probably in her 90's !!!!!!!! ) and even after all these years their English is not great. I have an unusual surname and she finds it somewhat amusing. I can just imagine they would cave in no time if the PO heavies came a knocking just due to the language barrier and the overwhelming nature of it. Whilst a British born would be more likey to tell them to F off, possibly ???
From what I understand any kind of interrogator will use that fact to his/her advantage which it’s why it’s imperative to have a decent solicitor.
If they see a chink in your armour they’ll go for it.
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From what I understand any kind of interrogator will use that fact to his/her advantage which it’s why it’s imperative to have a decent solicitor.
If they see a chink in your armour they’ll go for it.
Well that’s a few more civil servants in the frame then. I bet there’s a few scrambling for early retirement as we speak
And deals will be done... A nice chunk, tax-free, and then a bit of pension..?

Shush !! No-one realises that Fujitsu dug ICL out of the sheet, nor ICL / Fujitsu's role generally in PFI deals. (It's so easy to blame "foreigners" rather than ICL, isn't it?)

PFI deals going pear shaped in the late 90's / early noughties? That's not something for this thread.

Save that for another thread, together with the £11 billion write off that was the ridiculous Medical record system that got written off.

"A billion here, a billion there...."
Just a tease. We live in a barmy world.
Just a tease. We live in a barmy world.
We live in a very stupid world and these days if people try to get funny with me with all this wokey shite they’ll find themselves on the sharp side of my tongue.
I really don’t suffer fools these days.
We live in a very stupid world and these days if people try to get funny with me with all this wokey shite they’ll find themselves on the sharp side of my tongue.
I really don’t suffer fools these days.
Amen. But let's not go into the mob nonsense of ICL's latest failure made public.

British Computer companies on Government contracts.....? Nightmare !

(But don't mention that to people blaming "Fujitsu" for the implementation muck up by British IT "professionals" at the British Post Office.
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