MB Enthusiast
That's a quick way to get more unemployed off the streets but £10 would never, never cover the admin costs, plus how would we give a bicycle it';s designated number? Would it be like a car registration? Where would it fit, how, size etc? What happens if the bike is wrote off? There are just far to many insurmountable problems.
Sending a NIP through the post!!! I buy my 8 year old son a bike.... Are we suggesting he gets the NIP? What about if a school friend borrows it and goes through a red light. Is my 8yr old boy going to be prosecuted if he fails to disclose details? Or will I get prosecuted as the child's parent? I hate to say it but it is a non starter,
Having been the kill-joy I am anti those biker's that go through red traffic lights, but that is still no excuse though for ramming these law breakers.
I watched a very short news item that featured Alan Shearer and a TV presenter who rode their bikes some considerable distance. What annoyed me was the fact that Gary Linnaker made light of the fact they never once stopped at a red traffic light! This remark MIGHT have been tongue in cheek, but it should never have been said. Bicycle riders by law must comply with the laws of the land.
When I went to school............... We were encouraged to take a cycle proficiency test. Is this scheme still running? Do children still ride bikes to school?
Sorry to be a killjoy regarding bicycle registration
My step son did his cycle proficiency test last year at Juinior School. I suspect that it might depend on the school - that was a small villlage one, but hopefully I will be wrong and it will be part of the National Curriculum.
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