i have been working on my new stereo install this weekend, more of that another time, so whilst doing so needed to remove -ve terminal on battery, (w202) in boot. all going well until i felt the need for food!
i put all tools into boot closed all the doors and then closed the bootlid !
DOH! Oh my god what have i done!
this post came rushing back to me at the speed of light!
locked out!
after 1/2 hour or so thinking of the worst i checked here for answer, i couldnt dream of any physical damage to the car so i had to think again.
so here goes thankfully the car was open!
first step find a -ve contact on car, i used jumpleads to engine block
step two remove radio head unit, already out in my case
step three pinpoint common live wire ie, live without ignition
step four connect second jumplead to this with a little jiggery
step five connect jumpleads to spare battery
step six OPEN BOOT :bannana:
there you go an hours work for a seconds mistake
i now have cut a piece of wood to slot into boot latch so this doesnt happen again