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Bird droppings

They are indeed flying rats........i have been haunted by this most of my motoring life and it especially effected the Volvo`s.

The poo just melts into the clear lacquer if not cleaned off quickly enough and will put scars all over where not washed off straight away.

One of my near neighbours used to feed the seagulls so i threatened them with a letter from my solicitor for paint damage to my car and they stopped feeding them with immediate effect.

Luckily the Merc is no where near as bad and up to date no scarring or marks left by the hardened poo and that is after 3 1/2 years of Dover poo.

I used Waterless Wash to soften it.
Hmmm, is it just me, but why do they actually wait till you have washed your car. I swear within 24hrs of both my wife's and my car cleaning they are shat upon.

if you miss cleaning either car for a while, nothing.

If I am reincarnated please send me back as a bird then I will know. ( Bigger the better cos I will aim for the shiny washed cars and keep the wondering going)
I Use Autoglym specific Bird dropping wipes, then if required I spray a quik detailer such as Megs or Sonax.

As above.


This stuff works like magic, effortlessly melting away the toughest deposits.

The key is to get the depsits to 'melt away' with very gentle wiping, and avoiding rough treatment.

When I'm out of proper wipes.... I use copious amounts of hot (not boiling) water to melt it away, but it's a slow process.
I am seriously considering investing in an owl as a bird scarer. My wife has a two week old car and despite cleaning the crap off every morning, I can already see marks on the paintwork.

Gotta love our feathered friends.

I am seriously considering investing in an owl as a bird scarer. My wife has a two week old car and despite cleaning the crap off every morning, I can already see marks on the paintwork.

Gotta love our feathered friends.

Yes but how do you stop the owl from pooing in your car...?
People who feed Seagulls, WTF ? is that because they are bored of feeding foxes ? Why not just let us shoot seagulls for a certain amount of days per month ? They would be easy targets, just chuck a bag of chips on the ground and get the 12 gauge out. I for one can not see why they are a protected species.
We live by the sea and an RSPB nature reserve, add to that my neighbour has shite hawks, ( Big seagulls ) nesting behind his chimney, I've posted before that they shite like Rottweilers, the noise they make shagging on our bedroom Dormers is enough to wake the dead, the only respite is when the tide goes out and the bastards go cockling, on returning the shitting starts, fortunately I have a nice garage to hide me and car, When the chicks hatch the bastards get really nasty and fly at you screeching, last week a big one got in our conservatory my wife almost shat herself, I took a broom to it and slung it up the garden but not before it shat a load of green diarrhoea across about ten feet of window cill and floor, they should be severely culled, but try telling the save the planet green and liberal gay trendies. This is a lovely place to live really, especially at low tide. Rant over!
We went for a 'family day out' to the Turner in Ramsgate. Wanting a nice day out to be complete, I rolled the pristine C55 Wagon out the Garage, gave it a final dust down and off we went.

On arrival and parking up, we heard a dull Thump, Crump, Crump advancing towards us unseen, but the air was shaking to the almost bass like Thumps as they increased in volume and air movement. The,,,, all hell broke loose. A perfect strafe of gigantic dollops of runny grey and white foul smelling dollops of weapons grade bird poop made it's way up the roof of my C55 and (this is not made up) ending in a maahoosive Dam Bursting strike on Mrs Millar's head, shoulders, entire outfit. She was absolutely plastered, resembling an explosion in a ice cram factory and not the vision of prettiness she had up untill two seconds before. Day ruined. I kid you not, you just could not ignore that deluge, she might as well have jumped in a comedy tub of trifle.

A quick glance around revealed some tourists diving for cover with others pointing at the craters left in the sun baked poo mass that makes up the pavements there. A local shop keeper donated a packet of wet wipes to my wife to help her clean off, but it was no good. You just could not soldier on through that disgusting deluge and nor would I expect her to. There was absolutely zero humour in that incident (funny a picture as it may conjure up).
I am so sorry to hear this Bruce,without doubt something has to be done about Gulls,I live on the coast and they are a menace,we do get crazies feeding them,I moved from a house because the old guy next door threw out his leftovers onto his front garden, I only moved one road away but at least here people understand not to feed these vermin,the result is within 5 mins you have at least 40 gulls wheeling and crapping all over everything,and as been posted the noise is extreme,I see that Devon and Cornwall have made it a offence to feed them a £150 fine I believe,I wrote a short while ago that there is a crazy women who feed gulls on Clacton sea front between Clacton and Holland on sea on a large grass verge she has a carrier bag full of feed,it is dangerous to drive along that road when she does this ,some of the gulls fly low off the grass straight across the road at bonnet height,we took a trip to Redruth while on holiday, we were in the main street and my partner was the victim of a bombing run from a gull and got it's load right between the eyes,as you found out locals are quick with the tissue and wet wipes,it is a common happening,ok nowhere near getting covered like your wife,we could laugh about it afterwards,but I can well understand people wanting to kill these birds they are out of control.

Thank you. What a well written reply. I must admit I had never thought to bother about these things? But having now witnessed them in action, I most certainly do bother about them. These things are huge animals capable of inflicting serious damage from their well aimed bombing runs or from accidental contact. I understand that we can now add very deliberate 'Gull Strikes' to the list, where some Gulls are known to attack to steal food and inflict pretty nasty injuries. Certainly now what you expected when you set off for a day at the coast. For those forced to live with this flying, dive bombing, menace, you have our sympathy. It must be hellish.
Feeding gulls! Another example of just how stupid people can be. As mentioned they are large aggressive animals that are best left alone to fend for themselves. They don't need us to feed them, only for us to stop screwing up their habitat. The problem is that it's much easier for them to scavenge for food amongst the human population that it is to go and find something to eat out at sea.

Sorry to hear your story Bruce, it's not like don't have enough sh!t to deal with already.
You are lucky you don't live on a farm! Every year people marvel at the arrival of swallows heralding the start of warmer weather. Not me, we must have the entire county population of swallows nesting in our outbuildings, my husband loves them and says 'they flew over 6000 miles to get here!'. Well they fly 6000 miles to our farm purely to breed and sh*t on everything in sight, then their offspring add to the onslaught so by the time they are due to return we have treble the original number. There is literally nowhere I can park the car or any vehicle without it being under a swallow flight path, as they swoop out of the barns they make a beeline for anything they can see and sh*t on it - vehicles, garden furniture, washing on the line you name it. I have put a gazebo over my van parked in the barn and tied a massive child's teddy to the entrance to hopefully deter them from diving under the gazebo (it was all I could think of at the time) - what to do they do - they perch and sh*t on it. I have resigned myself to keeping a bucket of water next to the car, while thinking of all kinds of car covers I could make. My latest thought is a kind of roll out awning the type you attach to camper vans to give you extra space. I expect they would sh*t on that, but at least the car might stay clean ...
I think I live just underneath crows air corridor and they tend to drop, in napalm bomb style, poos which will cover the roof, windscreen the bonnet and will ricochet to the garage door. As we are moving house now, for new house I think I'll invest in this TEV 70600 - Solar bird control 360° for just in case they follow me.
Wet a tissue with warm water, let it sit on the poo for five ten minutes, it will soften it up and then you can just wipe it clean!

Blue industrial paper towel, folded until about 1” thick
Cup of very hot water
Soak towel over the poo area with said water and leave to soak for a few minutes
Lift off offensive matter carefully with no rubbing

Much like me. I keep a litre or two of water in the boot to rinse after softening with very wet kitchen towel, and before wiping final remnants.
CROWS! Don't talk to me about Crows I've had a bellyful of the bastards. Each year after the shite hawks have settled behind Charlie's chimney next door, two dozen or more of the sods arrive circling high above, keeping one eye open for gull activity, them and gulls are angry buggers always ready for trouble, they love a fight.
Trouble is when they've had enough, two or three of the black ones will sit on my chimney purely to goad the gulls, well inevitably one loses a footing and falls inside the flue. I'm indoors minding my own business and I hear the screeching and flapping as they slip down my brick flue. What the bastards don't know, though they soon find out, is there is simply no escape. Below in the front room is a fireplace with a coal gas fire installed, for me their is no choice, I simply light the fire and turn it up full, surprising just how long they take to incinerate, you may think this is foolhardy, and I know gas is expensive, but I'm happy to swallow the cost, after all what's a few extra pounds on a gas bill for a good grilling? The worst bit for me is spending an hour next day disconnecting the fire and disposing of what's left, I usually chuck it over the back fence into the field, and can you believe, the bastard shite hawks eat what's left. They must think it's Christmas, Roast Crow! We also have a Heron that occasionally makes an appearance, I like Herons, Gulls don't, but that's another story.

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