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Interesting. However, there's always a way around a device and your common ****bag wont be targeting your car, the normal system would defeat them in any case. Id save your money.

Insurance companies like anti theft devices but they seem resigned to a degree to the fact cars will get nicked and seem to like to discount for recovery gadgets such as trackers.

Sorry to hear about the break-in. It's horrible, but consider yourself lucky as you and the family were not in as this kind of break-in leaves a bigger impact on the family.

We made a mistake years ago buying an end-of-terrace house in london, masses of garden and a rear access. My mistake was to make it look like the best house in the street, new plush windows, roof, desginer driveway for three cars, half height wall with 12 foot sliding agates all made of good steel and finished off with a very expensive door. We also had newsih cars. The crooks tried to break in 3 times damage front and rear doors but never managed to get in then about 7 years ago they came in via fronet door as we never double locked in case of fire, had the door chain on, the crooks easily opened the lock via big screwdriver forcing the lock and cut the door chain, it was May and light around 06-00, I was asleep as we used to get uo 06-30, heard heard a big bang, it was our front door that was pushed on to the hall table and then light alarm warning and I thought i was dreaming and then the alrm went off - me and my OH got up, I shouted police coming, looked down and saw door open and went down cautiously.
We then noted the slding part of gate was opened and bifold gate was forced and the idiots did not know how to open it - it was the alarm that saved us every time. We moved soon after that and moved to Kent and made sure our house was not the best on the road and have invested in a DIY alarm this time, son installed, we have not used the nifra red sensors as they can on occasions trigger a false alarm, but we have used 8 magnetic sensors and alarm will alerts us, our son via mobiles and we have elederly/retired people in our close and imediate neighbours to the front and sides and police would be alaerted if alarm went off, so far so good. Btw, as we have three cars, one of the cars is usally left at home, now its the new GLE, i have a key on me and one in the wall safe, and wall safe cut into brick and on the shared wall.
We did consider ADT, but monthly fee ads up. No cameras just a reliable alarm as most of these inbred crims usually run when they hear the alarm, thankfully.

I would also never buy a corner house as attracts fools and crims.
We try not to leave keys and money downstairs but have read that another member here leaves his on the third stairs so crims if they get in can pick key and go and leave family in peace.

Things that deter the inbreds, good alarm, security lighting, closed/secured doors/windows and autmatic lights on/off and if you have a bell, remove it as inbreds ring to see in anyone in, but are hesitant to use the knocker as this alerts neighbours

About 2 years ago a friend of the family noted noise on his drive in the middle of the night the bloke opened his window and saw three blokes around his car with the bonnet open and he said "what the ..... are you doing." They told him close the window and shut up or we will come inside and within moments took the car away.

I wish you and your family all the best and with your alarm and cctv, I'm very certain they won't bother you again.
Sorry to hear of all the hassle.

Scrotes will try anywhere but are inherently cowardly and lazy , often ingenious and often quite clever.

However our way of working things are to make us the best defended potential target. Not through paranoia, far from it. But simply so they will move to the next easier target. Its survival of the fittest.

The myth that if you have an alarm you have something worth breaking in for is absolute rubbish.

We live in a nice area. We have an alarm, cctv and 3 dogs. Doors and gates are kept locked when not being used. So with one element or all of that present who would you burgle ? us or the idiot around the corner in a similar house with no security and windows always on vent or open when when theyre out :thumb:

We also have a small safe tucked away. It wouldn't beat Ronnie Biggs in his heyday but it would stop an amateur or slow a pro leaving watches and passports in our possession.
I have one of those pullup bars you can screw into a doorway down by my bed. I would not hesitate to use it to defend my family and the stuff I've worked damn hard to get. Would like it to be a crowbar but the ****ing human rights ******** protects the criminal and not the victim.
I have one of those pullup bars you can screw into a doorway down by my bed. I would not hesitate to use it to defend my family and the stuff I've worked damn hard to get. Would like it to be a crowbar but the ****ing human rights ******** protects the criminal and not the victim.

What's the (legal) difference between hitting someone with a 'pullup bar' or a crowbar?
If you are threatened and an item falls to hand to defend yourself with.

An old one was the bloke who kept a hammer beside his bed. Nooo !

However, a chippy who was working in a shop with all his tools around him when a robbery occurred ...........
markjay said:
What's the (legal) difference between hitting someone with a 'pullup bar' or a crowbar?

I'm guessing a crowbar being a more offensive weapon, although we'd do the same job with it (violence wise)

Me and friends used to play a lot of baseball years ago in the summer, one of them lost the ball one night and I ripped my glove so it was just the bat in the boot that night on the way home. Plod ended up pulling me over and gave me a right rollicking for having a baseball bat in the car, before I could even speak a defence he said 'it's not like you have a glove and ball in there to go with the bat is it, no, so what's it doing in there'

Me and friends used to play a lot of baseball years ago in the summer, one of them lost the ball one night and I ripped my glove so it was just the bat in the boot that night on the way home. Plod ended up pulling me over and gave me a right rollicking for having a baseball bat in the car, before I could even speak a defence he said 'it's not like you have a glove and ball in there to go with the bat is it, no, so what's it doing in there'


you clearly met the numpty :fail
Yeah my reasoning is I could explain a pullup bar in the house easier than a crowbar.

Dont get me wrong I'm not advocating beating a burglar to death, I wouldnt chase them down the street or carry on hitting them. I would just do what I had to to protect my wife and child.

And if you dont burgle me you're in no danger of any hurt.

Alarm / lights on sensors working / CCTV next week and safe being delivered tomorrow, by the time the car comes back will have cleared the garage as well so not sure what else to add apart from a telescopic bollard in front of the garage door!
I'm guessing a crowbar being a more offensive weapon, although we'd do the same job with it (violence wise)

Me and friends used to play a lot of baseball years ago in the summer, one of them lost the ball one night and I ripped my glove so it was just the bat in the boot that night on the way home. Plod ended up pulling me over and gave me a right rollicking for having a baseball bat in the car, before I could even speak a defence he said 'it's not like you have a glove and ball in there to go with the bat is it, no, so what's it doing in there'

I always worry about power cuts, a 4D Maglite next to the bed helps you see in the dark in such situations!
Dont get me wrong I'm not advocating beating a burglar to death, I wouldnt chase them down the street or carry on hitting them.


Why ever not ? :devil:

for the pc brigade ONLY JOKING although I have been spotted chasing a young misunderstood who had cut our window out , Informing him as we went that he was of dubious parentage and was about to have an **** sexual experience with the tools he had used to do the car.

He was a bit fast for me though. I think he was motivated.
Unfortunately these scum don't give a toss about being caught by the police as it holds no fear , and as a result , it is no deterrent. Being smacked around the head with something heavy by an unhappy home owner may have a more long lasting effect and may stop them from attempting a similar "stunt".

I work nightshifts as part of my rota and always take my car to get it off the driveway as the other cars are not worth bothering about. The dog does a pretty good job of making a noise when there are sounds outside which is exactly what the scum don't want as their element of surprise has gone.

Luckily we stay in a low crime area which is sometimes unsettlingly quiet at night with almost zero traffic after 22:00 meaning the slightest noise can be picked up by the hound which would run away at the slightest hint of confrontation but would make a hell of a racket as he fled.

Happy Days I have my car back:bannana:

Got it back saturday....been smiling ever since:D

Good news! Was there much damage?
Good news! Was there much damage?

No damage just had to go away for full lock change / recode / new keys due to theft of spare key:(

But all good now:thumb:

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