Is it really sad that I've already seen the videos that you guys are posting links to? Nearly wet myself laughing at your original post hybridlover!!
I am now on pain of death not to mention the C350e, changing my car, pointing out any Mercs on the road, suggesting visits to Dealerships halfway across the country, as I've heard they have a 350e demo in.....the list goes on!
Nice lookyhooky.
Seeing as we are all waiting we can probably afford the time to learn German and watch more 350e and general C Class vids without the need for any captions. Maybe move to Dutch later?
I have to say I am in Worcestershire at the weekend so a quick bob into a dealer is now a real prospect I had not considered. Thanks for the inspiration. Working across two office sites, in two different counties gives me two dealers in my range but the second one are already getting suspicious. I may go in disguise to avoid being moved on or ASBO'd.
A support/anorak group with first meet somewhere on the M6/5 would be one way to kill sometime time and potentially save some marriages. Imagine rolling in to a "meet" and seeing a line of these currently rare as hens teeth beauties in 2016 (hopefully 2016)
If there is a test drive knocking about count me in. I have annual leave to take so can make an event of it. The family will be relieved.
Now where did I leave my learn German in an estimated 9 months CD? Oh hang on I forget to fill the form out for the "grant" Dam I'll have to pay full price unless I can get a discount of course.