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C63 Coupe "Soup to Nuts"

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he trolls he gets told off his followers cry for him ( both of them ) he does it again
all rather boring...
in the meantime more and more young guns get C63's join the forum
and get trolled...

Im an old gun:)
It seems some people (well "a person") doesn't quite get the economics. A new car depreciates. Like a rock. Why would I want to write a cheque out for a £65k asset that is going to lose £35k+ of that value in the first 3 years? I change my main car every 3 years so I am perfectly happy to pass some of the risk and a lump of that cost to the vendor. This also allows me a real term reduction in cost as I benefit from the time value of money effect on the 36 rental payments. Net result I get a £65k asset for a real cost of around £24k

I then have £40k i can spend on something else, or invest to mitigate the cost further. The comment about the appreciating house is basically wrong, but a common misconception. The house is (in theory) an appreciating asset so I want the equity in this. I certainly don't want to borrow heavily against it as I want the increase to be mine, not used to subsidise 20 years of interest. Therefore I borrow on the car and buy the house. Net result i am better off.

Now if i intend to keep the car for longer than the 3 years i will start to lose the benefit. If i want to buy it and run it for 10 years then the best way to do that would be to buy it. BUT over that 10 years the one car will cost me more than getting a new one every few years. Sounds strange but is true.

As for the assumption that I don't care what happens to it as it is on lease. Well to be honest I have difficulty getting my head around the asinine nature of the comment. It's an incredibly negative view of the world as well as being, frankly, insulting. Engage brain then open mouth

Finally it may be worth pointing out that if some of us didn't replace our cars regularly there would be no modern Mercedes Benz, no innovation, no new cars and certain "enthusiasts" on these boards would only see a motor car if they turned their head occasionally while running in front of one waving a red flag

Not getting into anything here so don't flame me...but, is it an asset as such?
cars are never assests, only liability:wallbash:. unless its a future classic.:D
renault12ts said:
Not getting into anything here so don't flame me...but, is it an asset as such?

Yes: An asset is a resource controlled by the entity / individual as a result of past events or transactions and from which future economic benefits are expected to flow to the entity / individual (IFRS Framework Par 49a).
So maybe if the Special people have finished then we can get back to the main point of the thread?

Hard to see in photos but a couple of before and after pics i have checked the paint match, fit & finish etc in numerous lighting conditions wet, dry, etc, etc and can't find fault. So she's back and good as new. 500 miles covered last weekend for a wedding in Cornwall and a distinct absence of rattles as well. Too good to be true? I will soon see...



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For heavens sake, the cars been repaired, it's on a lease, get out there and enjoy driving it.

Leased, bought, whatever, it's a car and you'll not have it for ever, enjoy it whilst you have it.

The first weekend I got my E320 back from the body shop I was straight up Glen Coe with camera and tripod packed. Why, I liked driving it, I knew I wasn't going to have it forever so why preserve it unduly. The OP had a nice drive to the seaside in the car he loves, good on him.

Sounds like the OP and I are on the same hymn sheet.

As for the comments about agility, they merely define the length of time the OP will have the car and how it would be more folly to forgo the drive to the seaside than it would be to save its sealed by paint metalwork.

It's a fast fun car, begging to be enjoyed and at £700odd PM it would be wise to enjoy it as much as you can.
Not getting into anything here so don't flame me...but, is it an asset as such?

Any car purchase will be a diminishing asset unless it becomes an appreciating classic.
Dieselman said:
It's all been explained quite clearly.

The O/p has a car on a lease agreement so doesn't need to worry about the long term issues of corrosion to the underbody.

If you bother to read the posts properly you will see it was Sinewave made the original comment and I just explained it.

What is provocative about providing the explanation?

I think most people will see the above for the deliberately disingenuous comment it is. I don't understand you or your motives but suspect you have your reasons which you can justify to yourself.
I think most people will see the above for the deliberately disingenuous comment it is. I don't understand you or your motives but suspect you have your reasons which you can justify to yourself.

Which part in particular do you find so difficult to understand?

The car is on a fixed term contract, so short of actual body damage, the O/p doesn't need to bother about what happens to it...just hand it back.

For some unfathomable reason you all seem to keep throwing in the cost to rent and the value of the car. Why is that?
"You all" ??

Don't recall once having mentioned value or cost anywhere.
Hard to see in photos but a couple of before and after pics i have checked the paint match, fit & finish etc in numerous lighting conditions wet, dry, etc, etc and can't find fault. So she's back and good as new. 500 miles covered last weekend for a wedding in Cornwall and a distinct absence of rattles as well. Too good to be true? I will soon see...


Great news. Glad it's all sorted to your satisfaction.
Seriously this forum will end up getting closed soon because of all this rubbish. (One of the admins stated that not so long ago)

Personally I think the admins should ban whoever they think is responsible for causing this on-going rubbish… whenever a c63 is mentioned 'someone' comes along to have digs, nobody cares how these c63 or any AMG guys buy their cars, they drive an AMG and they love the car... happy days. :thumb:

This forum is good minus all the c63 nonsense.

The other option is to just ban c63's, lol.:D
Well I tried to get it back on track, but seems to no avail. DM you are an ****. You may think you are frightfully witty and clever, but the tone and message of your comments are offensive and insulting. They are certainly not as clever and erudite as you seem to believe.

Thank you to those of you who have taken a genuine interest, but I really do have better ways to spend my time.

/end thread

Don't go Khamen. Just had a read through the whole thread and despite lots of nervous warnings about C63 trolling at the beginning, everyone was playing nicely up to the last couple of days.

This kind of thread is what makes these forums worthwhile. I doubt anyone will buy a C63 now without having read it - the press reviews just don't compare.
If we simply got back on topic...it would end.

Look who thanked this post .... Love the irony.....

Really enjoyed this till last few days. Please carry on K.
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