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Clay V Glove



I bought a Farecla G3 Formula Body Prep Clay Mitt a while back and have used it three times, is it time to get another or do think the old way is best ie. a block of clay and a lubricant. I have used both and i think the old way seems better.
I tried claying the other day and realised I simply don't have the patience.
I have used both, for me the mitt is fine for a quick detail however the "old way" provides more satisfaction and enables getting into those hard to reach areas, :) I use the Bilt Hamber Auto Clay Bar Soft which only requires water as a lubricant.
Old way for the best finish and keep OCD under control.
Traditional claying should be reserved for people who like to make life challenging. If you are the type who prefers to make love standing up in a hammock, then stick with the old way. Technology has moved on and polymer rubber surfaces is where the smart money goes. There is no need to discard a mitt after 3 uses, they are good for 50+ uses so, as a consumable, they are way more cost effective than a clay bar. And remember, the minute you drop a piece of clay, it is game over. Stop all the book burning, clay mitt technology is the future of detailing.
The Clay Cloth and Clay Mitt work in the same manner, with the cloth being easier to reach those awkward places - Being owner of The Clay Cloth Company, cloths and mitts are a massive time saver without compromise on performance or finish.
I got the Farecla G3 clay mitt, first time to ever use anything clay other than when me an the missus try to recreate the scene from Ghost, but I digress.
Love the mitt, made the car super smooth, only used it once so good to know it can be used many times.
Mitts are great and its fair to say our clay coverage is far more than the Farecla and of better and thicker quality
What is the lifespan of the clay Mitt? my mate used his one on my car at the weekend, not along with the G3 detailer, to show me the finish and I was sold. Compared to the bar which you can twist and remold, the glove done the job but how many times can it be used. I have had one Meguairs Clay Kit and only used half of the bar twice last year.
Find shooting clays much more fun to be fair. I am sure they would some real awful scratches on my paintwork !!
I used my G3 clay mitt for the first time at the weekend. If you are short on time and looking for a quick job then fine, but I wouldn't recommend one over the clay bars personally, I found to get any decent result with the mitt you have to apply more pressure and then you run the risk of clay breaking off the mitt and streaking on the car. When switching back to the clay bar contaminants were pulled from the paint with less pressure over areas that the mitt came out empty.

I really need to investigate this 'clay' stuff. It may even make me inclined to 'do it myself'. !!
Used my clay mitt on Tuesday, but only for the removal of the dead flies I acquired over last weekend and Monday travelling home.

I prefer a proper lump of clay for anything more serious, for exactly the reasons posted by Gareth in post #13. the mitt will remove light and non adhered stuff, but a clay bar is better for the lumps of crud which accumulate on the bottom half of the car.

All IMHO of course. I'm no expert though do like a shiny car...
I like a shiny car as well.

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