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Direct Line Insurance and Back yard Mechanics - Beware


New Member
Jun 27, 2006
West London
CLK 230 komp. W208. Avantgarde
Hi All,

Just over a month a ago, I had a problem with my boot lock which needed a part replacing. I bought the replacement part and gave the car to a local mechanic who worked from home, Sati in Southall, West London.
He had previously worked for P and S Motors in Park Royal, having closed down he was now working full time from home.
I had used him in the past and would definitely have recommended him as he knew what he was doing.

Having given the car on the Sat, I received a call from him on Sun morning- the good news was that the boot lock was fixed, the bad news was that overnight, someone had driven into the drivers side wheel.

It seems he had the car parked outside on a bend near the kerd, with the steering at full tilt facing outwards. Someone had driven past and hit the front drivers side tyre protruding out. He had jacked the car and said that what seemed damaged was the track rod on the drivers side. This wasnt much and if I picked up the part from Eurocarparts, he would replace it free of charge. The result of this accident was that when the car was driven in a straight line, it moved heavily to the right.
Pointing out to him that the car had been in his possesion and that the damadge was his responsibility I received the reply that he wasnt insured and that he had no money to pay for the part.
In order not to waste any more time, I went to Eurocar parts who informed me that only the complete Steering Rod linkage was available, this the same option at the Mercedes dealer as well.
We replaced this part, the old one had sustained considerable damage, but found the same problem persisted. The track rods were adjusted but with the tyres facing straight, the steering wheel was off about 10 Deg to the right.
He then said it may be the wishbone, I bought this and he replaced this. The problem still persisted. Then we changed the anti roll bar ( do not buy from airbagcity) which I ordered in from Merc.
Still no effect.
At this point I took the car away from him telling him that I would be in touch shortly.
The car was booked in at Wheels In Motion who ran a diagnostic with the conclusion that it may be the steering box at fault.
At this point I handed in the car to the Mercedes Bodyshop in Brentford who awaited the report of the engineer from my Insurance company, Direct Line. The engineer came over this Thursday took a look at the car, ran no tests and diagnosed that the cars fault was down to wear and tear.

I rang Direct Line in disbelief stating that how could the engineer have given an opinion without running a steering geometry test. They stated that they were going along with the conclusion of the Engineer and would not authorise a steering geometry diagnostic unless I could provide proof that the fault with the car resulted from an accident.

Tony at Wheels in Motion was top class in providing a report based on the tests run. I,ve sent this to Direct Line. They say they have passed this onto the Engineers who will let me know the answer of whether they will authorise a Steering Geometry test.

Any help guys? :wallbash:
The track rods were adjusted but with the tyres facing straight, the steering wheel was off about 10 Deg to the right.
Tracking should be adjusted with the steering centred - if I sent a car to be tracked and it came back with the steering off centre I'd be asking for an explanation.
I rang Direct Line in disbelief stating that how could the engineer have given an opinion without running a steering geometry test. They stated that they were going along with the conclusion of the Engineer and would not authorise a steering geometry diagnostic unless I could provide proof that the fault with the car resulted from an accident.
Did the engineer see the damaged part, if the engineer was aware that the wheel had received a serious blow and seen the damaged part (not just the newly fitted replacement) it's hard to see how they could legitimately blame wear and tear.
Parking on a corner over night, steering on full lock, steering wheel not centrolised after tracking & replacing an Anti-Roll Bar to try & cure a steering fault...

You sure the garage he worked for closed down.... he might of got sacked!

And surly he should be paying for the repairs to the steering, the car was with him when the damage was done so is it not his responsibilty?
I agree with Donbronski as i have just googled P and S motors and ther website is very much active so i would be inclined to think he has been sacked from there.

it is people like him who give us indi's a bad name as if i was working on a customers car and it was hit while in my possesion i would either claim on my insurance or pay for it myself to be rectified.

The problem you might have with the insurance is that the parts have already been replaced and now your trying to claim on your insurance and they really dont like this.

i would still fight with sati as he should really be paying for the repairs himself
I'm sorry to say you have done all this back to front.:doh: Insurance companies don't like cars that have been part/badly repaired after an accident.:ban: They like to control the whole process from accident notification--followed by assessment--- followed by repair at a certified workshop to a certain standard. :thumb:To be honest that's entirely reasonable practice ( and I'm no fan of insurance companies believe me) Just suppose that they repair/ replace the steering box and couple of months down the line another steering item repaired by a third party they were unaware of fails.:eek: Your car goes out of control and you mow down a queue of people waiting for a bus? The claims could be into 6 figure territory------and whose to blame???? :dk: By your actions you have entered the territory of unquantifiable risk and my guess is that your insurance company will be extremely reluctant to have anything to do with it. :crazy: You may end up having to pay for the repair yourself and try to obtain recompense from your mechanic by resorting to court action?:( Hopefully your insurance company will come around but-------------???
Oh ok, I thought maybe Illegal imput, like numbers or something.
The reality is that unless you have an any driver policy they should not be covering anything (apart from damages to a third party if relevant) as the driver last in charge of the vehicle was not on your policy - the car was in his custody/care/control.

Be careful - you could open a real can of worm for what sounds like not-too-expensive a repair.

Where will you be if the insurers decline the claim?
Dont want to cause offence:eek: but you get what you pay for ie hes probably cheap for a reason.

Surely not worth the hassle of involving the insurance company?

Insurance woes

Thanks for the input chaps, the damaged parts were thrown away by Sati so I haven any recourse on showing the extent of the damage to those parts.

The insurance company is reluctant in allowing the Merc bodyshop to run a diagnostic. Without any proof that there is any damadge via a collision.

Im arguing that the only way that we would come to know if there were any damadge would be to run the diagnostic!
When(if) the diagnostic were to be run, then the readings would indicate ( hopefully) that the geometry settings are so askew that this could only be down to an unnatural/ non wear and tear incident, such as a collision.

So...I am knee deep in forms, faxes and paperwork so far, and I haven't even had the diagnostic test conducted.

So if that test is conducted, my next problems going to be to convince them that the readings indicate damadge resulting from and accident.

For this part I have in fact had the helpful and Professional analysis of Tony Bones from (Tah Dah! ) Wheels In Motion, who has stated in his report that :

[FONT=&quot]" * Non of the above could be deemed natural wear and tear since the variation far exceeds the manufacturers normal parameters.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]* From our analysis of the car I would confidently diagnose there is a terminal failure within the steering box due to external forces beyond normal wear and tear, these failures are consistent with a compression injury applied during an impact."[/FONT]

If they are still hesitant in having a diagnostic run, I thought maybe my next step would be to go to Mercedes UK and inform them that the insurance company is implying that their cars are sissy vehicles prone to wear and tear.
What do you think?

Also as a back up plan, theres a used steering box for £115 on ebay just for this model, anyone know any good mechanic around central/west london?
All Out Thanks to Tony Bones at Wheels In Motion

All done.

Wheel fixed by the mercedes bodyshop thanks to top man Tony Bones !!! And a little leverage from the Financial Ombudsmen.

This has truly been an experiance I would like to forget!! Or at least learn my lesson and fork out a few quid more for some peace of mind. I have to say in the long run its well worth it!!

Also thanks to all the support from the Forum Memebers!!

Top One.
Good to hear a success story.......after a fashion:D

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