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Does anyone feel like this

Italian's do a similar thing and its quite annoying if your travelling along, keeping a safe distance from the car in front which your waiting to pull in so you can overtake but the guy behind sits cm's from your bumper flashing his lights at you. Its annoying as you'd love to go faster but there's someone in front. It happened even when I copied them having the indicator on myself to overtake.
I have to add, that personally for me, I find lane discipline to be my biggest bugbear with some road users.
There is absolutely no excuse for sitting in an outside lane of a motorway unless you are significantly overtaking somebody. Whether you wish to drive at 69.9 MPH or otherwise, it is not your responsibility or power (unless you are a police officer enforcing the law) to decide or restrict the progress of other road users.
Granted, in Andy K's example, overtaking on the hard shoulder is wrong - but anyone else who complains about somebody overtaking on the inside, in general, is responsible for this. Ie, my point being that if there is space on the inside for somebody to pass, and they wish to progress past you, that is where you should be positioned.
Poor lane discipline, in my mind, can be more dangerous than speeding itself. If people had greater respect for lane discipline, and each other, then this problem would be greatly reduced.
If you do not wish to exceed the speed limit, or drive faster than the vehicle in front of you, stay in the appropriate lane (ie, as far to the left as possible).

Just my opinion,

Will said:
but anyone else who complains about somebody overtaking on the inside, in general, is responsible for this. Ie, my point being that if there is space on the inside for somebody to pass, and they wish to progress past you, that is where you should be positioned.

All very well but what if your behind someone waiting for them to move over so that you can get past and maintain a higher speed. I don't think anyone here is saying if there is no-one in front and the road to the left is clear they would not move over.
I get your point Richard, but if you are behind somebody waiting for them to move over, and they do not, then surely that is my point!!!
I am not saying we should all be impatient, but if somebody is hogging the overtaking lane, and not overtaking, then they are not following the highway code!


What I meant was that I'm sitting behind someone and then the car behind me undertakes me (and the car in front), your last post suggested it was me waiting patiently for the car in front to move over that was at fault Ie, my point being that if there is space on the inside for somebody to pass, and they wish to progress past you, that is where you should be positioned. but I'm waiting for the guy in front to move over who’s driving slower than I want to.

I will always move over is there is space to the left and there isn’t someone immediately in front of me that I want to pass.
I think we understand each other Richard, and I am not suggesting that either of us are to blame for bad lane discipline. I can imagine (and relate) to the scenario that you are describing, but as much as I loathe to admit it, I must say that if I am stuck behind an ignorant driver (i'll wait for the flaming now!), which ends up holding up an entire queue of vehicles behind me, and after several minutes makes no attempt to correct their position (ie, vehicles in the next lane on the left are routinely passing them, and they are not overtaking anything), then I would be forced to pass them on the inside. By staying where I am I would just be confusing other road users as they may not be aware of the ignorant vehicle's presence. I do not make a habit of "undertaking", and certainly do not enjoy it, but if another vehicle does not respect the principle of lane discipline, what other option is there (and no, spending 3 hours doing 55mph in the fast lane of an motorway is not the answer :rolleyes: ).

I am not trying to be silly about this, but voicing my honest opinion.

mercedes lover said:
Yeah and I believe the highway code also says if someone is tailgating you not to sit in their way to slow them down because it's not up to you to inforce the law on them. Plus who gives a flying f**k what the sh**y highway code. Highway code fountain of all cr**, how to drive like a complete knob. Who really gives a sh** about the speed limit some do gooder that wants to seem all i'm Mr butter wouldn't melt in my mouth.

Good idea.
Let's all drive with this attitude and within days there won't be anyone on the roads to get in our way.
I'm not sure if this was tongue in cheek or not. If not I hope you are never ever on the same bit of road as me.
uumode said:
If I were to stereotype :devil:,

I'd say that was the Volvo driver who sits in the middle lane doing 70 ;)

and you are actually a BMW driver trapped in a Mercedes body :eek: :)
I feel that if I was going to rate any make of car as having the best style driver, BMW would win by a mile. I see more BMW drivers really enjoying their cars than anyone else. BMW driver attitude is move over i'm coming through! :D Just love the way they do it!
Plodd said:
Good idea.
Let's all drive with this attitude and within days there won't be anyone on the roads to get in our way.
I'm not sure if this was tongue in cheek or not. If not I hope you are never ever on the same bit of road as me.
That's a rather poor statement, I remember driving through france and there were loads of people driving like I said, they did have extreamly high fatality rate true, but was it a cool place to drive. I remember maxing my peugeot 206 at 110mph on the way back from central france, suddenly couldn't believe my eyes 5 cars bumper to bumper over took me, the star of the show was the BMW because he was 3rd in line and over took the others.

Paris ring road that was a real party at one time 80mph bumper to bumper people lane hoping. Was madness.

You do occasionally see some good fast motorway dring in france now like when I was there a few weeks ago dark motorway I was doing 100mph and an Audi A3 came out of nowhere I pulled over he passed me like a rocket, was unbelivable to see! But mostly people stick to limit because of the serious speeding penalties there :mad:
mercedes lover said:
That's a rather poor statement, I remember driving through france and there were loads of people driving like I said, they did have extreamly high fatality rate true, but was it a cool place to drive. I remember maxing my peugeot 206 at 110mph on the way back from central france, suddenly couldn't believe my eyes 5 cars bumper to bumper over took me, the star of the show was the BMW because he was 3rd in line and over took the others.

Now I know you are taking the pi**
mercedes lover said:
I feel that if I was going to rate any make of car as having the best style driver, BMW would win by a mile. I see more BMW drivers really enjoying their cars than anyone else. BMW driver attitude is move over i'm coming through! :D Just love the way they do it!

Best style driver ? you mean the way that most 3 series drivers drive with their foglights on all the time, tailgating everyone in sight, i think by 'enjoying their cars' you mean rinsing the crap out of them every time they pop down the shops. I think this speaks volumes about the sort of person that the brand of car attracts, (and also residuals on old 3 series being so low, they can all afford them) . I'm sure a lot of us on here have driven some very quick cars in our time, its just we don't need to prove our manliness to our Nickleson tracksuit top ,Burberry cap and earrings that you could send a police dog through wearing girlfriends all the time.

Make of that what you will
I am speechless!!

Reading this had made me think twice about ever driving on our roads again, some scary comments here!!
mercedes lover said:
I feel that if I was going to rate any make of car as having the best style driver, BMW would win by a mile. I see more BMW drivers really enjoying their cars than anyone else. BMW driver attitude is move over i'm coming through! :D Just love the way they do it!

Unfortunately they also tend to try this when turning right in front of oncomming traffic. I think I've had more near-misses with BMW's than anything else. :confused:
Well I just got back in after a trip from Southampton

I was doing about 50 in a dual carriage way on the right hand lane
(there was traffic emerging into the lefthand lane from a retail park)

A Vauxhall Corsa appears from nowhere, must have been doing something like 75 and blasts up my ass, I then decide to pull over into the left lane after I've cleared the merging traffic on the left, as the Corsa approaches with swift velocity.

Then he/she WITHOUT indicating, decides to try undertaking in the left lane almost slamming into me as I move across to let him/her pass.

On the sight of my indicator, decides that overtaking is perhaps better and flicks back into the right lane.
like Jimmy I'm amazed at the comments, I'm also amazed at the bad spelling :) Seems almost as bad as Toby's or Samuel Ellis' - didn't he have a Peugeot as well?

uumode said:
more importantly 70 is too fast for some drivers.

56, 60, 65, 70,unless they can prove that tyres are correctly rated and the car and driver is safe at speed

i think i mentioned in post driver :D

andy_k said:
like Jimmy I'm amazed at the comments, I'm also amazed at the bad spelling :) Seems almost as bad as Toby's or Samuel Ellis' - didn't he have a Peugeot as well?


What I am amazed at is people pick up on incorrect spelling and grammar, but the real joke is all the verbal B*LL-S**T we have to put up with in our daily lives is seldom challenged :eek:
Howard said:
Best style driver ? you mean the way that most 3 series drivers drive with their foglights on all the time, tailgating everyone in sight, i think by 'enjoying their cars' you mean rinsing the crap out of them every time they pop down the shops. I think this speaks volumes about the sort of person that the brand of car attracts, (and also residuals on old 3 series being so low, they can all afford them) . I'm sure a lot of us on here have driven some very quick cars in our time, its just we don't need to prove our manliness to our Nickleson tracksuit top ,Burberry cap and earrings that you could send a police dog through wearing girlfriends all the time.

Make of that what you will

I agree with your views here. Seen the odd couple of Mercs with Fogs on during day but not many - seen a few with bi-xensons on though. It is mainly the old 3 series I have seen with fogs on all the time and they are quite cheap now to purchase!

Yep, I have to agree that another bugbear for me is people who drive around with bl**dy foglights on during the daytime. Or, as Flash mentioned, the "I've just bought a new car with Xenons/Bi-Xenons and i'll make sure that the entire world knows it" brigade. Especially when they are deliberately aimed as high as possible, and used in the daytime. Volvo's with sidelights, no problem. Motorbikes with dipped beam in daylight, again not a problem. But bl**dy sky-high aimed bi-xenons, invariably used in daylight, aimed at the rear view mirror of the car in front is just plain stupid! (and in my opinion, potentially dangerous)

Rant finished,

Cant do a thing about motorcycles i'm afraid, the gov decided in 2003 to take away the option of turning the lights off, so we cant do a thing about it. How would you have coped with the Metro this morning doing a U turn on the roundabout! rather than go around again he was doing a "U turn" on the roundabout. I can reccomend this as a wake up operation before going onto a motorway, but it doesnt do a lot for your boxer shorts.

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