Thank you, Markjay. For some reason the quote is not allowed
I agree with you and the benefit I see is indeed cleaner air. However, I'm not a scientist or expert in the exact nature of what it takes to produce these batteries, the cost/nature of of powering them but I believe we dont have any coal-fired power stations, and I'm not sure re impact of disposing of these batteries.
We are going to India again and hoping to stay in New Delhi and the air pollution there is massive because of traffic and farmers setting fire to certain fields late in the year something to do with rotation. Then there are the brick makers and farmers in neighbour states but the introduction of hybrids and battery-operated cars and I think even those 3-wheeled scooter taxies is making a difference
During the last 5 years or so, older and more caring to the environment i guess was one of the reasons I was looking on the net for a large sUV, mid-range - but as posted earlier the touch screens and the price and performance and repairs to battery worries me. If we get a harsh winter week or more, I bet there will be a lot of EV owners crying about reduced miles per kilowat or whatever it is
We are lucky I guess we live in greater London way from most of the traffic fumes and not on a main road but something has to be done.
The ULEZ along with some councils charges a lot more for parking for higher-emission vehicles sounds good, but it impacts more heavily on those on the lower end of the pay scales
Call me skeptical, but IMO, in every government and almost every jester in it, when they set out a new policy/law, it is not in the interest of the general public but trying to ensure they/he/she remains in office for the great ride on the gravy train funded by us taxpayers. It was BUY diesels as disel was lower ( and i think some clowns even said it was cleaner) at the pumps, now its EV's