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Guitarists and people you like classical guitar music

lotusmark2 said:
Hi all
found this guy and as a guitarist of 20 years I have to say he is so good is just isnt funny....
of to go learn to play the piano as I'm never going to be that damb good

I watched this and some of the other clips. Why is he so good? I'm not a guitarist myself and am keen to know why he is so good. How does he compare to someone like Eric Clapton (aka God) or Alan Holdsworth or Joe satriani?

I liked the music its very good.

Same instrument but different style - you ever heard a guy called Newton Battenburg Faulkner? I've got a demo CD from him somewhere - will copy it for when I see you In January. A rythmn guitarist who learnt on a bass!

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lotusmark2 said:
Hi all
found this guy and as a guitarist of 20 years I have to say he is so good is just isnt funny....
of to go learn to play the piano as I'm never going to be that damb good

Crikey, thats spooky :eek: as I was looking at the very same clip the other night. I dont know how he does it and strictly speaking, being a part time picker for most of my life, I suppose I should.

I was watching another guy doing the solo in Heartbreaker which was a pretty good rendition.

Wish I was as dextrous :o .

:D Obviously an age thing going on here :D :D

For those of a different generation....

Here's my nomination :eek: :)

I think he is a great musician with some really disgusting hygiene habits.

He has a habit of spitting large globules of **** up into the air. Oh how I would love grav - ity to make these matter come right back and plop into his eyes

John the old fogey
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lotusmark2 said:
Hi all
found this guy and as a guitarist of 20 years I have to say he is so good is just isnt funny....
of to go learn to play the piano as I'm never going to be that damb good

He's good but what he's playing is fairly straightforward. If you want to see a master of that tapping style over chords try Stanley Jordan.

Clapton WAS God - he's terrible nowadays - his last album was atrocious.

Malmsteen / Vai / Satriani are all virtuoso guitairists but none of it is musical to my ears. Give me Status Quo everytime! :rock:
I have no sound at work but will have a look at these when I get home tonight. I've been a guitarist for 6 or 7 years and have a massively varied taste in music, I doubt many... if any of you will appreciate metallica :p but hammett and hetfield together are a brilliant combination. A lot of people put them down when they stereotype the group before hearing anything by them but their musical talent is endless, they're not all shouty screamy as people think, a lot of their songs are classical based. I mean how many other metal bands can pull off playing a gig alongside an orchestra and make it work? (the S&M live album)

stats - malmsteen is one guitarist I could never get my head round, I mean yeah the guy has skills but I just find his style.... awfully strange but to be fair thats what makes some players what they are!

A lot of guitarists IMO cheat with what is called scalloped necks but again this is only my opinion because it is a playing aid more than anything, you still have to have skills in the first place but it can be difference between a good player and a great player. A scalloped neck for those who dont know is basically when each individual fret is concaved so when fretting you never actually touch the fretboard, it allows for faster fretting and smoother bends on lead playing and is usually scalloped from the 12th fret (next octave) upwards although fully scalloped necks are known. Malmsteen is a good example of a player who uses a scalloped neck to its full potential!
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GRAV888 said:
I still think THIS is ace

Ah, but can he make it squeal like a piggy??

I find Yngwie OK in small doses. Can go off into some tedious bits.

Zakk Wilde is good but not a great fan of that genre.

Saw Joe Satriani and Steve Vai at the Albert Hall in 2004. They had Billy Sheehan on bass and it was amazing. Most excellent.

Unfortunately they had Robert Fripp along to make up the 3 in G3. Now he may have done good stuff in King Crimson and is due some respect for being married to Toyah Willcox, but in his solo he sat in a corner of the stage buried behind a wall of processors and twiddled out 30 minutes of ambient type stuff. God it was boring. My youngest son (13 year old bass head) fell asleep.

During a pause in the music a voice bellowed from the upper levels:

A scalloped neck doesnt have concave frets but a concave fretboard between frets - and yes they're silly.

Metallica were very good - I've seen them live a few times though St Anger and their new style does nothing for me. Nothing Else Matters was one of the first songs I learnt to play.
Thanks all, you have given my some ideas for music that I can maybe listen to. Have got fed up with just about everything in the past few years. Never rated Clapton even when I watched him a million years ago and nowadays he is just a girlie, cynical, money maker.
Just another old rocker.
stats007 said:
A scalloped neck doesnt have concave frets but a concave fretboard between frets - and yes they're silly.

Lol you knew what I meant! :p

I know what you're saying about 'tallica though. The new stuff is too mainstream for my liking and the style has changed an awful lot :(

I'm going to get hung for this... I'd say slash is awesome as I'm a big fan of guns n' roses but to be fair a lot of it is studio magic because live he f*cks up for fun which puts a bit of a downer on it :(

As mentioned - Zakk wylde, great player but black labels music is a bit too OTT for me
If you haven't already got it then this has to be the best christmas present to get!

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