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Help please ,petrol into diesel

As John has already pointed out - there is already a high percentage of petrol as far as the pump and that is not good.
Even if the tank were drained there would still be a high level of petrol in the lines ready to do damage on the first turn of the key.

Drain the tank, drain the lines refil with diesel and hope for the best ??

One of my engineers did this recently and it cost us £150 for the AA to come and sort it out. At least they have the trucks equipped for the job.

I thought that the petrol would not stay mixed with the diesel but continually reform under the diesel as it is "heavier" ?
Hi Olly,
I accept a new pump will not be cheap, but in your opinion would it be worth the risk, especially if this pump subsequently destroys itself. Might it be better to bite the bullet and fit a new pump?

I fully accept you are letting us know about the worse case scenario, but reading the first post it would appear a certain amount of petrol has gone through the fuel system! This will probably have now caused undectable damage. There might be a choice of either sell or repair, but what hard luck on any prospective buyer. :o :o :o :o


Its a tricky one.

If I had the job in the workshop I would probably recomend a new pump just to be on the safe side.

I have seen these pumps seize and snap the camshaft and ruin an engine. All down to petrol in the fuel 2 months previous......
I wonder how many cars there are out there that have done the same thing and just filled up thinking all is fine after all when should one notice the damaged caused..short term....long term?

If you fill up a Cdi diesel with petrol and tell Mercedes, they insist on fitting a new high pressure pump, injectors and fuel lines (££££££), if you take it to a specialist they drain out the petrol, fill it up with fresh diesel and you're on your way again (££).

Nick, myth buster...
Out of interest, what was the filling station that was used?

I think BP had an issue with pump branding in the past. Just curious.

Good luck with sorting this out :)

The OP has not tried to get away with it by diluting with diesel and I think the she will be OK with it drained. we have talked about the worse that can happen, but this does happen to loads of cars, and they are OK
The OP has not tried to get away with it by diluting with diesel and I think the she will be OK with it drained. we have talked about the worse that can happen, but this does happen to loads of cars, and they are OK
I feel the awekward issue here is the engine hasd tried working on petrol:

I drove home (1/2 a mile) in
ignorance & about an hour later I went to go
out again. It started as usual but then the revs
dipped very briefly. The engine never does anything
but purr like a kitten at idle so it got my
attention - and suddenly I realised what I'd done.

I'm sure Nick is right, some specialist may well just drain the system down and the car might indeed run okay for a few days, weeks or even months, but with my luck the instant I were to buy this car, I just know things would go bang.

No one but no one can categorically say there will be no problems, but I'm positive that all the CDI experts will say that the potential risks are of concern and the only gaurantee anyone can give is to replace the suspect items. :o :o


I feel the awekward issue here is the engine hasd tried working on petrol:

I'm sure Nick is right, some specialist may well just drain the system down and the car might indeed run okay for a few days, weeks or even months, but with my luck the instant I were to buy this car, I just know things would go bang.

No one but no one can categorically say there will be no problems, but I'm positive that all the CDI experts will say that the potential risks are of concern and the only gaurantee anyone can give is to replace the suspect items. :o :o


Having been in on about 50 threads like this, no one has come back with any other failure, unless of coarse they decided not to post.

I do not see why some other form of testing could not be done, damaged components often show extra noise levels, but could well be working to all intents and purposes.

Maybe a stethoscope on the pump and compare this with an unaffected example, maybe some other way.

The part in question works the same way as a high pressure washer, and there are only the bearings involved, the rear section drive would probably shear before it damaged the engine
Do you mean to boroscope the pump or engine.?

Surely it would be simpler to strip the pump down and there would be no access for the scope right into the pumping elements anyway.
Surely it would be simpler to strip the pump down and there would be no access for the scope right into the pumping elements anyway.

Scope the pump, stripping it down would take time and you can get the flexible scopes into some real tight spaces.

You wouldn't get full access of course but with the minature end's on them its a good tool to have.
Many thanks for all the replies - fantastic.
I'll drain the tank & see about flushing the lines.
I suppose the days are gone where you can just use
some tubing & siphon it off? -
Sorry to tell you that you cannot drain it. the fuel has to be pumped out, and the flter bowl emptied, most garages can do this, I can send the details but it is not a DIY job.

So sorry
Or disconnect the fuel intake pipe from the pump and use and external pump to drain the tank and pipework. A cheapo drill pump would do.

Then change the filter and empty as many of the fuel lines as possible, then refil with diesel.
Or disconnect the fuel intake pipe from the pump and use and external pump to drain the tank and pipework. A cheapo drill pump would do.

Then change the filter and empty as many of the fuel lines as possible, then refil with diesel.

Always remembering that petrol is flammable.

I know someone who's filled his 270cdi /twice/ with petrol, both times claimed on insurance to pay for the main dealer recommended repairs.

If you have protected NCD and a sympathetic insurer that might be a route to take. It is after all accidental damage.

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