Would have been amusing, except he'd hit our Vito first.

I heard the bang at 11:45 last night, looked out and saw the nose of his Honda wedged under the front of the Vito. He backed away (big lurch from the Vito as they came apart) and reversed towards their parking bay.
By the time I went out with a torch (fully expecting to see embarrassed neighbour waiting for me), all was in darkness ... no one to be seen.
In hindsight I should have banged on the door, but have known them 2 years and they've been friendly and absolutely fine. They have 2 young kids so I decided to leave it till morning. No sign of anyone this morning - just the car up against the front of their house (not where it was when I last saw it last night).
My wife spoke to his wife this afternoon, she seemed genuinely shocked - apparently he hadn't said anything to her about it. She's out this evening, he's in but not answering the door when I went round.
Hmmm. Don't have a good feeling about this. Oh and we know their house has been sold, but not when they're moving out.
Don't know how 'repairable' that visible damage is, or whether there's more under the skin (damaged brackets?). Transmission was in 'park', parking brake not applied (level ground).
Any practical/sensible suggestions what to do next?