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I hate when sellers don't know what they're selling

AFAIK the only known problem with the early M104 24v is the CHG issue. In 2 years of ownership and trawling the net for info on these cars, the only 124 I have come across with bottom end issues has been MS500s car which has high miles and I believe was bought cheaply and without a history. Happy to be corrected.

The 24v was for a while the flagship E class and tended to be better specced as a result. As has been said, condition and recent history is everything with these cars.

With ebay cheapies, you pays your money and takes your chances.

Ade :)

Is it my imagination, or does the rear wheel seem to be not sitting square in the arch? Or maybe the SLS in buggered.......

Cheers, Bill.
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The 24v models actually go for much less usually, because of all the problems the engine suffers. I wouldn't have touched that engine with a bargepole if I'd have known.

You'd be lucky to get 200k out of the 24v without a full (inc bottom end) rebuild, whereas the m103s can go to 300k and beyond without any major issues.

The m104s also have more understeer and wear out the front suspension faster due to the extra weight of the engine., notice how the front end sits lower on the 24s?
Not exactly true. Price maybe? but the rest, Oh no. Had a number of 250k plus 124's and they all pur like kittens and tend to be ultra reliable
AFAIK the only known problem with the early M104 24v is the CHG issue. In 2 years of ownership and trawling the net for info on these cars, the only 124 I have come across with bottom end issues has been MS500s car which has high miles and I believe was bought cheaply and without a history. Happy to be corrected.

My car has full MBSH up to 180k, and has receipts from there on. Mileage is 206k which isn't particularly high for a Merc.

Don't respond to any more of my posts, I'm sick of you and Will's sniping and have already complained to the mods about it. You just can't cope that I'm 19 and driving a decent car, can you? I suspect your agenda is partly political.
Sniping, what sniping? If you think that's an attack wait till you disagree with Talbir. That'll educate you! (That's meant to be a joke Talbir. :D )

As far as I can see two fairly knowledgeable well intentioned long time multi MB owning & fancying individuals have expressed reasonable opinions. If they aren't inline with yours you just have to carry on as best you can.

I was unaware of your age until 5 minutes ago, along with 99% of forum members I suspect & I don't really care. It has no bearing on the discussion.

BTW, I love it when I come across miscatalogued or misdescribed items at auctions. I've made over 1000% profit on things sellers & auctioneers have misdescribed.
My car has full MBSH up to 180k, and has receipts from there on. Mileage is 206k which isn't particularly high for a Merc.

Don't respond to any more of my posts, I'm sick of you and Will's sniping and have already complained to the mods about it. You just can't cope that I'm 19 and driving a decent car, can you? I suspect your agenda is partly political.

Eh? :crazy: :confused:
hmmm. Young blood seems to have a lower boiling point than most forum members.

I dont want this to sound too patronising (but it probably will be construed that way) but relax a little bit. We all have opinions; you dont have to like them all but you also dont have to react to them all. Keep your powder dry for the ones that really matter.
I dont want this to sound too patronising (but it probably will be construed that way) but relax a little bit. We all have opinions; you dont have to like them all but you also dont have to react to them all. Keep your powder dry for the ones that really matter.

I guess you're right, the ignore list is there for a reason ;)
Don't respond to any more of my posts, I'm sick of you and Will's sniping and have already complained to the mods about it. You just can't cope that I'm 19 and driving a decent car, can you? I suspect your agenda is partly political.

You have complained, but unfortunatelly we do not agree in the slightest with any part of your complaints. The members you refer to are not trolls, but experienced and enthusiastic members trying to help.

You cannot expect everything written on a forum to be true or necessarilly agree with your line of thinking or preference. This difference makes for discussion and thinking, this is not what we regard as trolling.

You would have got a private reply to your reported posts had you not taken this public.

Take a step back and relax a little. Your stance on your age and what you regard as a prized possession is just down to inexperience I feel. Trust me when I say nobody is out to get you because of it.
well, I think Will is a big bully and a troll :D

Personally I love mis-spelled ebay ads, and people selling things that they dont know their worth. I've bagged many a bargain that way!! You have to search for longer to find them though.

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where did you find Will's picture??????


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