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I hate when sellers don't know what they're selling


No ones got any agenda against you mate. Will is one of the most friendly and helpful forum members i know. I've never known him to fall out with anyone , ever.

You really have misjudged him i'm afraid. I don't know Ade personally , but i don't think i've ever seen him have a proper disagreement with anyone , and as far as i can tell , seems to be full of good advice .

Take a step back and have a think. It's a public forum , people are entitled to their own opinion ( something i myself have fallen foul of before :o ) , and generally its a pleasant place to be.

I think once you've thought about it , you'll see what i mean.

Best wishes

No ones got any agenda against you mate. ........

aaah - but you're never alone with paranoia :D :D

And fwiw - I think MS500 - you've actually had an easy ride on here up to now as some members have certainly refrained from responding to some of your posts as the attitude that's come through has suggested how you might take things - just as this thread and your other thread in feedback have shown.

You go on about how at 19 you have this amazing car and how few 19 year olds have the same. Actually - many have much better cars. Ok it's a Merc and 3 litre - but it is nothing special - sorry to be blunt but that's the reality. It is an old, high mileage estate. The car in monetary terms is not worth very much at all. There are a fair number of young members on here who have had much better and more valuable cars at younger than 19., but who have and do show a much greater level of respect and maturity than you. However all that is irrelevant, what does come through very strongly is your naivity and how typical a 19 year old you actually are.

So chill - respect other members on here who may be older, younger, richer or poorer - whatever - everyone is entitled to their opinion and just because it might differ from yours - does not make them a lesser person than you.
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I once attended a GTG where other attendees were surprised to find that I was in fact a young, athletic, intelligent and socially refined figure of a man, rather than an old fat bloke off the winterweb who know's nothing and who really should get out more.


How was that GTG in 1965? Peace and luv....:rock: :rock: :D
aaah - but you're never alone with paranoia :D :D

And fwiw - I think MS500 - you've actually had an easy ride on here up to now as some members have certainly refrained from responding to some of your posts as the attitude that's come through has suggested how you might take things - just as this thread and your other thread in feedback have shown.

You go on about how at 19 you have this amazing car and how few 19 year olds have the same. Actually - many have much better cars. Ok it's a Merc and 3 litre - but it is nothing special - sorry to be blunt but that's the reality. It is an old, high mileage estate. The car in monetary terms is not worth very much at all. There are a fair number of young members on here who have had much better and more valuable cars at younger than 19., but who have and do show a much greater level of respect and maturity than you. However all that is irrelevant, what does come through very strongly is your naivity and how typical a 19 year old you actually are.

So chill - respect other members on here who may be older, younger, richer or poorer - whatever - everyone is entitled to their opinion and just because it might differ from yours - does not make them a lesser person than you.

Haha, it's all about money with you isn't it?

My previous car was worth more than double what my current car is worth, but that isn't the point.

You have twisted it to insult me, well done there.
Haha, it's all about money with you isn't it?

My previous car was worth more than double what my current car is worth, but that isn't the point.

You have twisted it to insult me, well done there.

may I suggest you switch your computer off and go out for a while - a bit of fresh air may just clear your head :)

It's not about money, who cares what your car is worth (at a guess based on current market values about £800) so to have owned something worth double that isn't a great deal to boast about.

It is however about attitude, you seem to have a real problem when people don't say exactly what you want to hear so my best guess is that you aren't going to like the next couple of words........

Grow up
Frankly I think you asked for that when you said:

You just can't cope that I'm 19 and driving a decent car, can you?

What exactly is your point and complaint ms500?

Consider your answer please.
What do you say to a man at the bottom of a deep hole ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

--------------------- STOP DIGGING!!! lol. Sorry, I just couldn't resist.

But I have to say, it's been more interesting than what my daughter is watching on TV..... Ciao.
May I ask what you drove at 19?

I had a hand me down Nissan Bluebird 2.0 diesel so yes it was my mum's car originally, it's probably still someone's mums car, or perhaps a taxi in Slough. What's your point?
I would say this one of the very few car forums where money (lack of/lots of) is ever mentioned or an issue.

I drive cheapo, semi-classics because I love them, and have only ever had help and great advice from this site's varying degree of banger or £££££ car owners on here.

There's definitely no my car's worth more than your car stupidity on here. Well, there's no point with me as every other owners' car on here is worth more than mine:D

Way off the mark if you think value of a car has anything to do with what this site is about. Way off...
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What do you say to a man at the bottom of a deep hole ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

--------------------- STOP DIGGING!!!

Unless you're a minor :)
I had a hand me down Nissan Bluebird 2.0 diesel so yes it was my mum's car originally, it's probably still someone's mums car, or perhaps a taxi in Slough. What's your point?

My mum a Bluebird 1.8 Premium! I 'stole' it a few times whilst on my provisional at 17, my god that thing took FOREVER to get to 30mph.
Don't suppose you bought your 190E from your own father..?

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