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JAGUAR LAND ROVER to lay 5,000 off.

JLR have never really diversified their portfolio. Apparently 80% of their current range are diesel, which is obviously coming under considerable scrutiny right now and about as popular as a fart in a spacesuit. In addition, gasoline powered 4x4 Chelsea tractors and executive cars are not exactly frugal runabouts.

They have a lot of work to do and need to make cars/vehicles that compete well with their competition and appeal to buyers outside of China.
A rationalisation of admin staff, and it is primarily admin staff, putting the company back to the level of staffing of two years ago is unfortunate but organisations do this.

Whichever way you look at it, the organisation has still grown at a very fast rate.

Stay cool, rationalise, improve.

I saw this on the news earlier and towards the end of the report, JLR were quoted as stating they intend to invest heavily in electric vehicles being manufactured in the UK moving forward.
I saw this on the news earlier and towards the end of the report, JLR were quoted as stating they intend to invest heavily in electric vehicles being manufactured in the UK moving forward.


This optimistic news should perhaps be calibrated by what Chief Executive Ralf Speth told Reuters earlier in October 2018. Currently Jaguar's only electric vehicle the Ipace is manufactured in----- Austria
“We haven’t made the decision because we don’t know at the end of the day the final conditions and we also see uncertainty resulting out of the Brexit discussions so we don’t know where we can do the investment best.”

Brexit uncertainty weighs on Jaguar's electric car investment decision | Reuters
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It’s quite sad to see any vaguely negative news being pounced on by the fervent EUphiles and waved about with glee, it’s quite ironic how myopic they’ve become when they accuse “Brexiteers” of the same affliction.

I get the distinct impression that, given the chance, they’d be outside the factory laughing at the staff laid off because they believe it furthers their opinion of how wonderful the EU is.
It’s quite sad to see any vaguely negative news being pounced on by the fervent EUphiles and waved about with glee, it’s quite ironic how myopic they’ve become when they accuse “Brexiteers” of the same affliction.

I get the distinct impression that, given the chance, they’d be outside the factory laughing at the staff laid off because they believe it furthers their opinion of how wonderful the EU is.
I wonder if any of the EUphiles have relatives working for JLR.
I don't think anyone is laughing about redundancies but economic uncertainty, short or long term, affects demand for products.
The problem stems from the fact that anything negative is being said to be a result of Brexit whereas any positive news is painted as being coincidental.

If “Remain” wants to start changing hearts and minds they’ve got to change the narrative - the truth is their theme of attack has barely changed from even before the referendum yet, even though they lost, they’ve stuck with the same tactic!

“If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got.”

- Henry Ford
“We haven’t made the decision because we don’t know at the end of the day the final conditions and we also see uncertainty resulting out of the Brexit discussions so we don’t know where we can do the investment best.”

Strange how the loss of 5,000 UK jobs will always come with a mention of Brexit behind it when there is no mention of the 4,000 jobs they created in China in the last few years or the new factory starting in Slovakia which will mean another 3,000 jobs over there. Seems to me that moving production to the cheapest possible locations is JLR's policy for maximising profits and Brexit is a convenient smoke screen to absolve them for any flak they might otherwise receive.
Strange how the loss of 5,000 UK jobs will always come with a mention of Brexit behind it when there is no mention of the 4,000 jobs they created in China in the last few years or the new factory starting in Slovakia which will mean another 3,000 jobs over there. Seems to me that moving production to the cheapest possible locations is JLR's policy for maximising profits and Brexit is a convenient smoke screen to absolve them for any flak they might otherwise receive.
Not forgetting the fact that they aren’t even a British firm. The owners owe the workers nothing.
As already said all these developments have to be viewed through the lens of globalisation. Car manufacturers will site their car plants in what they perceive as expanding markets, where's there's a cheap labour force, maximum government subsidy, and minimum restriction to end product and raw material/ component movements. TATA who own Jaguar LandRover are an Indian multinational company and their UK -[ex BMW/German ] director has stated their position with regard to the uncertainty that a no deal Brexit would bring. I have no doubt if TATA thought Brexit was to their advantage they would arguing the opposite! Their position is purely from the business stance of any international conglomerate. The "authenticity" of Herr Steph's message in relation to "Project Fear" might be gained from looking at the behaviour of other multinationals in other similar global situations. Does his message contradict previous experience or not?
Nobody likes being held to ransom but in circumstances like this perhaps the first question to ask is the threat real or not, rather than muddy the waters with diversionary speculative political motivations. Nobody's laughing as far as I can see.
Nobody is laughing at all and the message from JLR about Brexit uncertainty has already been heard from the likes of Nissan and Toyota amongst many other major employers.

And the Remain campaign that was accused of instigating Project Fear now risks being accused of adopting a "We told you so" stance although the notion that anyone would enjoy being proved to be right on such matters is quite perverse.

You do have to wonder how bad things will have to get before the Leavers are prepared to acknowledge that Brexit isn't going to be as rosy as they promised although obviously it will all be the fault of the government's rubbish negotiators and the EU being mean and nasty to us and nothing at all to do with them.
JLR come bottom of the table for reliability ( source , Warranty Direct ) . Perhaps one reason why their sales have dropped. If they make shite why are they surprised it doesn`t sell?
As regards a "rosy" Brexit , most of the people I have spoken to , ranging from manual workers, accountants and business owners expected no such thing. Most were prepared to accept a drop in property and pension values if that was necessary to achieve the break from the EU .
At 66 years of age ( still working 4 days a week ) , my scope for regaining any such losses are limited . In reality both the value of my bungalow and pension scheme have increased since 2016. If we were not a member of the EU would I vote to join a group of countries that seeks to control the scope and deployment of our armed forces , control our legislation, cost us a fortune and have a gravy train of unelected officials? I rather think not .
As regards a "rosy" Brexit , most of the people I have spoken to , ranging from manual workers, accountants and business owners expected no such thing. Most were prepared to accept a drop in property and pension values if that was necessary to achieve the break from the EU.

Nobody but nobody voted on that basis !!
Nice to see someone knows the all the reasons for everyone that voted , regardless of their choice .

I don't claim to know all the reasons why people voted as they did but wages, pensions and house prices are all extremely sensitive issues and the electorate doesn't vote for anything that they think may have a negative impact on them.

People would vote to have all puppies and kittens drowned at birth if they thought it would prevent the value of their house from falling.

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