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Keyless Entry Theft

Yes, the thieves are ultimately responsible but my point is the keyless system has massive weaknesses and customers are not being adequately warned of the risks.

When you buy a new car the manual is full of warnings about things you should avoid or be careful of. There should be some warning about the keyless system.

Its completely unacceptable for a manufacturer to turn a blind eye to the risks and then claim that these are very rare occurances. I was made to feel like i did something wrong by Mercedes Brooklands.

If this is their attitude it doesn't suprise me that car theft is at epidemic levels because thieves no that manufactures don't care about improving security.

Only government legislation will force large manufacturers to take the problem seriously.

All the people posting that turn keys are the answer to this problem are kidding themselves, they have been stealing turn key cars since the middle of the last century.
The cars that appeal to professional car thief are high end high spec new cars and they all come with keyless entry.
They haven't got customers for the likes of a seven year old C180 SE so won't steal them !
It's nothing to do with the type of lock fitted it's more to do with supply and demand..

None of my cars has ever been stolen , and none of them has relied on stupid electrickery to protect them .

Defeating real locks and security is beyond the skill set of present day neds .

As long as you don't put your faith in Wilmott Breeden FS locks , which could be opened with a used lollipop stick !
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None of my cars have ever been stolen... Even the Vauxhalls and Hillmans that could be opened with the same key! Or even with a deft thump...

It's nothing to do with the security tech, which will only ever be a deterrent to the opportunist thief.
Holy Moly Peter, what have you said??? :eek::eek::eek:

LOL, no one would want to steal a Lexus! ..... :dk:

Yes, the thieves are ultimately responsible but my point is the keyless system has massive weaknesses and customers are not being adequately warned of the risks.

When you buy a new car the manual is full of warnings about things you should avoid or be careful of. There should be some warning about the keyless system.

Its completely unacceptable for a manufacturer to turn a blind eye to the risks and then claim that these are very rare occurances. I was made to feel like i did something wrong by Mercedes Brooklands.

If this is their attitude it doesn't suprise me that car theft is at epidemic levels because thieves no that manufactures don't care about improving security.

Only government legislation will force large manufacturers to take the problem seriously.


I completely understand your anger but ask yourself would you really want this car back ?
I know I wouldn't ! Knowing some low life's been thrashing it to death ,would it ever feel clean again ?
If anyone did a hpi check on it ,it would come up as stolen recovered and that's got effect the residual value.
As for the dealer warning you about keyless go ,insurance companies don't see it as a problem so why would they ?
We all adopt a" it won't happen to me" approach and you live down south where unfortunately car crime is higher.
I don't want the car back and won't be buying another one as I'm not convinced the security systems are adequate.

Modern cars have many electronic / computer systems which means they are prone to hacking and abuse by criminals.

When you purchase a PC or Laptop the company selling you the product would always supply anti-virus software to protect the computer.

Manufacturers of modern cars need to take more responsibility as they are not just selling a car with rudimentary features.

Technology in cars has moved on significantly to make the driving experience more enjoyable and safe.

I'm not sure the sercurity of modern cars is robust enough given we are living in a digital age.

You shouldn't be able to steel a £35,000 car with devices bought from ebay for a tiny fraction of this amount. Something is seriously wrong.
The last thing I want to do here is distress you further. I'm fortunate not to have suffered a car theft (I know I'd be pretty damned ****** off about it). But, I honestly don't think that technology can provide the answer. It's a social problem. Where there are thieves there will be theft, no matter how hard you make it, they will find a way. As has already been said, having them take it without having to break into your house and take keys or threaten you is preferable. If the insurance companies accept this situation and cover the loss, then until we can eliminate theft entirely from the world (yeah, right) then it's maybe the least worst result.

As for the cost of the tools required to steal a car, they've always been cheap. Used to be all you needed was a screwdriver. When security tech got ahead of the scum for a short while, they resorted to B&E. Now you need a laptop and some RF kit. Or just drag some poor sod out of their car and leave them lying by the roadside.
I saw a programme on TV a couple of weeks ago where thieves took a car that had a dashcam. The theft and their conversations were recorded. On the recording they said that they much preferred a drag-out to any other way of taking a car and that they were prepared to kill in order to get the car. Says a lot about the mindset of some people that are more prepared to kill for what they want than work for it.

I was told once that there is only one crime, theft. Killing someone is stealing their life.

As for the keyless entry thing, it is worrying. However, the biggest issue is the desirability of the cars being stolen. Premium cars have always been more actively targeted by what I would call organised thieves. Opportunists will steal anything, but folk that specialise in taking high value cars have an agenda and usually a client network. Utilising Keyless Go is just another route to getting what they want. If it keeps them out of our house while we are asleep in our beds, then that has to be a bonus.

The bit that properly bugs me is that they somehow feel entitled to steal and see it as a victimless crime. "You're insured aren't you?" Does my head in.
Cars were being stolen long before keyless go was available

It is so easy to break into most cars and hot wire them - you don't even need a black box of tricks off t'interweb for a few £s.

Who remembers using half a tennis ball to open a fiesta?
This fear of keyless is, I think, largely irrational and is based in our fear of the unknown.

Many of us don't understand how it works yet we reassure ourselves that a mechanical lock is more secure because we can see it, touch it and understand it.
I cant believe the apathy here, why should we accept that car theft is a something that can not be stopped? Why dont we all save ourselves a load of hassle and just leave the car unlocked with the keys in it! Whilst were at it lets leave a full tank of fuel in it too so the thieves can get further away.

Come on guys this is not acceptable, manufacturers have to do something about car theft, all cars should have tracking devices in them that can disable a car at the will of the owner, how about giving the car owner the ability to set off the airbags and hopefully give the scumbags a massive headache. I'm all for maximum force, I'm sick of this sick society we live in where the attitude is if you dont have you take, where jealousy is seen as a response to other peoples achievements and where other peoples hard earned possessions are fair game.
Car theft is a thriving industry with many Police forces having dedicated teams attempting to tackle it. That is of no use to the victim. Why? Well they tackle it "after" the car is stolen.

In many/most cases these are well organised and funded criminal gangs working to an order book. They have access to technical data and people (including some say) dealerships and manufacturers.

The person who actually takes the car is the lowest link in the chain who will most likely never have met the person who actually wants the car and places the order to have it stolen.

By far the lowest number of cars stolen are "opportunist". Insurance Companies do care about this and do work with the Police and the manufacturers. But they are up against money and large syndicated well organised criminal gangs who employ their own technical folks, or buy the technology they require. Think about it. Many of these gangs have contacts within the motor industry, shipping agents and companies ready to accept and ship the car within hours of it/them, being stolen. This is well organised and runs as a business.

They only have to crack the code to one system/manufacturer to then, help themselves to all cars in that range. Keyless is like a gift from the God's to these gangs. It keeps them away from you, the owner and the risk of physical contact and arrest.

You bought because you fell in love with it. That is what drives the sale will drive the theft. Somebody else also wants one, but at a reduced premium.

What is the answer?

There isn't one. If you like it, somebody else will like it and somebody else will offer to get it for them.

Driving about in a heap that you leave outside, unlocked and empty with a sign on the windscreen saying "please take me" would almost guarantee it will never be stolen.
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how about giving the car owner the ability to set off the airbags and hopefully give the scumbags a massive headache

Really? :doh:

So how would you feel if a loved one was killed by a head on collision because of said airbag activation? :dk:
I cant believe the apathy here, why should we accept that car theft is a something that can not be stopped? Why dont we all save ourselves a load of hassle and just leave the car unlocked with the keys in it! Whilst were at it lets leave a full tank of fuel in it too so the thieves can get further away.

I have to agree with this, MB have designed an insecure system that we shouldn't be accepting or trying to defending because it keeps the thieves out of your house. We might as well all leave the keys in. Just think it will save wear an tear on the steering lock - another bit of kit with failure designed in. These things are not an improvement on what went before just because they offer convenience. Until they are designed to work reliably and securely they are a retrograde step.
Completely agree.

My dreams of owning a Mercedes were shattered when my car was stolen and the Mercedes veneer of "class and engineering" has been eroded away after this experience and their attitude to car crime is disappointing. They say it's the police's problem but they can't walk away from this issue completely if the system is prone to abuse.

My car had many extras such as head-up dispaly, air suspension, 360 camera, disctronic plus and premium plus interior. i could buy a similar car again with the moeny from the insurance but i'm not convinced these cars have safe security systems and the messages from Mercedes aren't exactly reassuring.

Mercedes are in the business of selling as many cars as possible and from a business perspective I understand that, but it shouldn't just be all about profit. They have a responsibility to produce a product which can withstand most of the techniques available to criminals.

The police officers who dealt with my case told that manufacturers aren't doing enough to combat the problem. They said the easier it is to do means more cars are taken each day.

My case will go to the motoring ombudsman for adjudication as I wrote Mercedes UK head of customer services about 5 weeks and not had a single response. Embarrassing and very insulting.

Is this the way a large multinational company should behave?? Disgusting.
What are you planning on buying to replace the Mercedes? Have you discovered a brand with notably better security built in as standard?

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