Foreign tourists , touring the country by car , may well want to see major cities ; I’ve done it myself on the continent, or indeed the city itself may be the destination at the end of a road trip .
Although I live 500 miles from London , so have only gone there a handful of times , I used to drive in to Edinburgh or Glasgow of an evening to meet up with mates , go to a movie , concert , out for a meal , lots of things that I simply wouldn’t go there to do now .
I imagine same will apply to many people living within, say , 50 mile radius of London . Not everyone wants to take the train then walk .
More likely, and as I have done in the past , living midway between Edinburgh and Glasgow , I have driven in to either city to audition a piece of hi-fi equipment, with the intention of purchasing and taking home whatever I ended up buying - not something I’d want to lug home on public transport, nor would I want to wait for delivery .
womenkind also love shopping trips into big cities , but not having a car very much limits what you can buy . Hence shops are moving out of cities , to places more car friendly