Ok guys,
The plan will be as follows:
Meet at Clackett services at 10am - leave there by around 10.20am
From there we will head to:
The Trevor Arms, The St Glynde, Lewes, East Sussex, (BN8 6SS) -
should be there for about 11.20am
Then to:
The Plough Inn, South Road, East Sussex, (BN7 3DF) - should be there for about 11.45am - 12 noon
Then to:
The Red Barn, Tandridge Lane, Tandridge, Surrey, (RH7 6LL) for a bite to eat - should be there for about 12.35pm - 12.50pm
Total drive time will be around 2hrs 5mins / 75 miles (providing traffic doesn't mess things up).
The Red Barn is only about 15mins from Clackett Services, so we will end up pretty much where we started.
I would suggest heading out to your cars tonight and punching in the postcodes/ destinations to save you doing this when we meet at Clackett services.
Perhaps even look at the destinations on google earth first to make it easier finding them on your sat nav screens.
I say this because I punched in the postcodes into google earth and they weren't exactly on the destinations.
Do what's easiest for you.
Any questions, please ask.
Also, it would be great for anyone that is around tomorrow to join us, so please do so!!
If you do, let us know if you will be joining us and where.