So the day went really well, as you can gather from the post from the other guys
Thanks again for all of you for getting together today - it really was good to see you all.
There was rain last night and I was bracing myself for wet roads as we drove further south
But the day seemed to warm up quicly and everywhere was dry :bannana:
Met Benjy, Savman Don at Clackett services and had a quick coffee and a catch up.
We left there and made our way to Ricky's turf, near Lewes.
The drive down was great, with all of our AMG's making a big impression on the roads.. and the ears of civillians! lol!

There wa alittle bit of traffic part of the way down but the roads got better and better the further south we got.
There was abit of order-swapping on the way down as we enjoyed the noise of eachothers AMG's - awesome!
We were rewarded with some great views as we neared our first stop at The Trevor Arms - and, as mentioned, a small but extremely inviting tunnel!
Man, I'm surprised the walls of the tunnel didn't crumble in!
Don decided to follow his sat nav, which took him off course at the last minute. lol
We turned onto the road that The Trevor Arms was on and w3e could immediately tell we were in the country.... as the road was peppered with horse crap! lol
We all swerved about like drunk drivers, trying to avoid the stuff... or was that just me?! lol!

Arrived at the Trevor Arms where we were greeted by Ricky and the new blood, Toby
Don finally turned up half an hour or so later.
It really was a lovely spot down there and we enjoyed catching up with a beverage
Time flew.
Savman checked the forum to make sure no one had chimed in on the thread saying they were going to meet us on route, and we decided to skip the next scheduled stop at The Plough Inn and head straight to the Red Barn for lunch.
The drive there was entertaining, with many people taking wrong turns all over the place
Ricky needed guidance so I stuck with him - but got held up behind so properly slow ar$e drivers
Traffic was pretty heavy by now and the final couple of miles or so were abit of a pain in the ar$e, but we finally arrived.
The Red Barn looked great as we approached.. I turned in with Ricky behind me.... and then I stopped as I noticed the lake which spanned pretty much the entire driveway entrance!
How's that for a kick in the nuts... day ended up being dry, glorious sun shine... great drive.. get to the lunch venue only to be presented with a lake.

I backed up abit and paused for a moment.. assessing the possible options....
Straddle the lake?...try to go round it and risk grazing near side rim on a small curb?.... go home?..... (lol)
While I was considering my options a land rover was leaving the Red Barn and drive straight into the lake, splashing water over my front end. God damn pecker.
Decided I had no choice but to do the best I could.
Headed over to where the boys were parked to see sympathetic but overly-amused looks on their faces
Parke and wiped the car down. All good. All dry and shiney. lol
Sat and ordered food.
Great chats and it really was good to catch up with you all.
Toby, you're a cool guy and it was great to have you and your awesome Brabus SL with us!
Time flew again.
We all needed to head on so we said our goodbyes an headed off.
The lake had diminished in size by now and we (more importantly "I") was able to scoot round it. :bannana:
Me and Don were heading the same way so we enjoyed alittle AMG-exercising until we parted ways
Your CLS is pretty damn rapid, Don!
I took quite a few pictures, which I will no re-size and post up.
I need to delete some of my previously posted pictures in order to get them on here, but I won't be long!......