Well, the car sold the very afternoon I advertised it (it sold via Car and Classic) I asked the buyer if he was, trade and he swore blind he wasn't. But I wasn't convinced - (Not that it makes any difference at all to me) and he was still denying he was trade, as he was filling in the 'traders' section of the V5!!
Anyway, I have had a few PM's about the car (which I didn't bother advertising on this site) and whilst I no longer have the car for sale. The new 'non trade' seller happens to have advertised it on Car and classic - Having copied and pasted most of my advert and then taken poorer pictures, it now sits above my original advert for £1200 more than what he paid for it...... I wish him well, but I am not removing my advert (as he has subsequently asked me to do) because of his curious need to deny he was a trader.