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my inlet manifold off job

thanks - seems i've missed most of that thread
wow, just checked online (polymax doesnt sell it by the way) for viton tubing that would fit...

THIS site sells what i think would fit (?) Product code 01-95-1654' but at £15 per metre i think i'll risk the standard stuff!!!

do you know if Halfords sells it? i cant find it on their website.

dont think so mate. I looked in my local one and the weekend at they didnt. Pretty sure MB will keep it in stock. They probably have a big roll of it that they snip of a metre or two for you.

other motor factors might do it or the guy on ebay D-man linked to.
thanks - will phone them later to find if they have it + a new blanking bit.

If i find that it really does start leaking so soon on veg (i guess the condiution of my current one should prove this correct or not) i may invest in the viton stuff.
i think on mine it was just leaking because it was not blanked off well enough. there are 7 seperate hoses once each in and out has been covered and that was the only one with a (noticable) problem. The hose is quite thick and only takes a low pressure fluid so dont know if they are suseptible to veg rot. worth changing still as it is cheap and easy and satifiying seeing the new hose in place!
2 metres of pipe and 2 blank off bits ordered from MB along with 6 of the bungs that often break just incase.....

that should just leave me with a new torque wrench to buy and i'll be ready for the job!!
did you get a mixture of the corner bits and straight bits for the bungs?

i think there must be 6 corner ones and 3 straight ones.
did you get a mixture of the corner bits and straight bits for the bungs?

i think there must be 6 corner ones and 3 straight ones.

i only got 6 of the corner ones. I'm hoping the others will be ok.... ?
the straight ones are probably only slightly less likely to break than the corner ones i would say. In guess if you and careful and prise the nozzles out with a small screwdriver rather than ripping at them you might be ok but if it was me i would get some just incase and replace the whole lot.
Halfords have one that seems pretty good fdor about £45 that has the torque range of what i need for these enmgine jobs
Yes, as per Spock's post, check your torque wrench clicks off properly - perhaps by hold the square drive in a vice.
i have just started leaking veg again. dont know if it has been happening for a while as i have only looked this morning and saw a small patch on the road and the right side of my engine (looking from the front) being very oily (with veg). pretty it isnt any of the fuel lines or delivery valves but maybe something to do with teh HP fuel lines??

will leave it for now as it is not too bad but it I reckon it is the same issue as you have Derek so it will be interesting to see what you find out when you dig around there when you take the manifold off.
i am 99.9% (;)) sure that i've elimiated all other possible places it can leak from - so the delivery valves are my chief suspect. I can see veg around them. I'm also suspicious of the leak off pipe after reading your thread aswell.

i'll keep you updated on what i find (plan on taking some pics).

doing the delivery valve job this weekend. I have all the bits now ready :)

2 metres of diesel leak off pipe from the dealer came to just over £15 :eek:
I said go to a diesel specialist, it would've been £6....:p
I said go to a diesel specialist, it would've been £6....:p

will next time :o

i know nothing about the pipe as i've get to take the IM off so wanted to ensure i got the right size etc etc. Once i've done the job i'll know all about it for next time ;)
It's standard 3mm leak off pipe. You can see it trail back up to the filter head return from under the black cover.
i didnt want to touch the existing pipe until i do the job as i heard sometimes it can crumble in your hands!??!
maybe you have a different problem to me then as my delivery valves seem bone dry. leak seem to be coming from behind but i think above the IP plate.

good luck for the weekend. it is pretty straight forward. post up any findings as i will be very interested to hear how it goes.
will do.

Its not leaking from the plate or lift pump its it?

i replaced both gaskets on mine - i dont think they were leaking but the plate definatly benefitted from a new gasket and it was a very easy job - even from underneath!! ;)



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