face it, G wagons, GL series, land rovers, discos, range rovers, porsche cayennes Q7`s all suck as off roaders, they are called chelsea tractors for one good reason, they are brought by people who want to look like off roader out door types but wouldnt know a locking diff if I smacked them in the face with one, (I may or may not have woken up in a bad mood) so why bother advertising its ground clearance or attack angles? if you go off roading the vehicle you are most likely to see is one of these because its the cheapest AND IT WILL GO ANYWHERE
form follows function, like a race car, its ugly but purposefull, if your gonna talk off roading talk about this, if your gonna talk tart wagons, (whats mentioned above) I would just like to mention that at the car show where they had an off roader course they had a Pinzgauer to hand of any of them got stuck!