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OAP s and driving licences

Hi , The real issue is to define the words driving test.

I have a friend who has a gammy right foot due to various operation that went terribly wrong.

I did not enjoy our trips to the pub.

Yesterday another friend decided he would chauffeur us to the pub , unbelievable ride for all the wrong reasons.

I will look forward to getting into my friends ( gammy foot ) car on our next visit to the pub.
The Wolds are nice and have the advantage of having no major road access, which keeps out the great unwashed hordes. They congregate in Skegness.
I went to Hatcliffe in the wolds many years ago; nice countryside but pretty remote.
On another thread, there was a post that suggested large EV SUVs might exceed 3500kgs MAM. This could have repercussions for anyone over 70 who has lost category C1 on their licence through renewing online.
Talking about this with Mrs B today as I was navigating Cornwall’s ‘catch both wing mirrors on the hedges at the same time’ roads, her main comment was that I drive much more carefully and patiently now than I used to.

I put it down to not having to get from A to B by a certain time, rather concentrating on getting from A to B safely.

Having said that, I don’t necessarily hang about, currently nursing 3 points from an SP30…
perhaps there should also be a use of english comprehension test to go alongside the driving test for older people?
Hi ,
Is there a problem with the older drivers not disclosing illnesses which could see them banned??
Hi , it's not only us old guys that are not truthful regarding infoming the DVLA regarding health issues.

It's really worrying what illness you have to inform the DVLA about !

I went through the list extensive.
On another thread, there was a post that suggested large EV SUVs might exceed 3500kgs MAM. This could have repercussions for anyone over 70 who has lost category C1 on their licence through renewing online.
Hi , I did mention the above re MAM weights.

At 70 I gave up my Class 1 licence ( used to be black licence ), PSV ( it's not called that now ) because Mrs Boyband told me to !
Hi , I won't fit a tow bar to a salon car or my coupe. So uncool but estate cars or my 4x4 not a problem for me.

Hi , I will take bets that the DVLA will at the statory retire age will issue OAPs restrictive driving licences to limit engine size , performance or small battery cars.

This will happen within the next 5 years.
Hi , I will take bets that the DVLA will at the statory retire age will issue OAPs restrictive driving licences to limit engine size , performance or small battery cars.

This will happen within the next 5 years.
No doubt money will be involved somewhere.
Hi , I will take bets that the DVLA will at the statory retire age will issue OAPs restrictive driving licences to limit engine size , performance or small battery cars.

This will happen within the next 5 years.
What makes you say that?
Hi , I will take bets that the DVLA will at the statory retire age will issue OAPs restrictive driving licences to limit engine size , performance or small battery cars.

This will happen within the next 5 years.
I've been saying this for year's but at the other end of the scale (age wise) it will never happen ,a 17 year old could kill himself or other's in a 1.0L fiesta or an AMG of some sort same goes for an OAP you can't tell anyone what car to own sensible or not
It certainly won't happen while there's a Conservative government - they have a higher share of the older vote.
Hi , I will take bets that the DVLA will at the statory retire age will issue OAPs restrictive driving licences to limit engine size , performance or small battery cars.

This will happen within the next 5 years.
They will have to change the law, Ageism is a criminal offence in the UK and has been since 2006
Hi , I will take bets that the DVLA will at the statory retire age will issue OAPs restrictive driving licences to limit engine size , performance or small battery cars.


There is no statutory retirement age.

There is only anage at which you become entitled to your state pension.
There is only anage at which you become entitled to your state pension.

The age at which you qualify for the state pension depends on when you were born though - discrimination! Previously 65, currently 66, and will be 67 by March 2028. Mine is due to start when I'm 66 and 5 months.
They will have to change the law, Ageism is a criminal offence in the UK and has been since 2006
Hi , I don't think the battery car project is working so I believe the issue will just be bull dozed through parliament.

Government take no notice of the population and until the people say enough is enough the powers to be will treat us with utter contempt.

It won't be long that fighting on the street will erupt again and place the general law abiding citizens at risk.

I read this morning that the DWP will demanding that 1,000,000 people find employment.

My daughter has MS and the doctors , nurses have written to the DWP to say she cannot work more than 16 hours , the DWP overrule the medical profession and just work to targets set by central government.

The DWP state that my daughter is capable of working 40 hours per week.

The writing is on the wall!

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