I think we are being conned day after day after day after day.
a) We hear that oil prices are so expensive because of the cost of exploration...... Bull
b) We hear that it is all about supply and demand..... Bull
c) We hear it is all about the value of the dollar.............. Bull
I say this because
a) If the exploration costs were truly so expensive then they would not be selling oil at such a loss Today it is
$67 a barrel and falling
b) The flow is being controlled by the producers. They can EASILY match any demand if it were in their interests
c) If that is the case then oil has dropped from in excess of $120 a barrel to $67. Has the dollar devalued that much? No it hasn't and it is all bull.
As I said earlier the Brazilian will soon be producing oil and they will be a major, major exporter that can easily compete with the biggest suppliers.
Is anyone going to hazard a guess at where the price will settle?
Does the drop match the fall in price?
All along I maintained the $120 barrel was pure greed , greed pure and
simple but some folks insisted it was down to oil shortage, supply and demand etc etc. I still maintain it was greed and I suspect the producers are biding their time and waiting to put prices back up. Russia has flexed its military muscle. It did this because it could afford to, it did this because it is a major supplier of oil. It started to refinance its military and oil dropping to the values we are now seeing might make this effort unsupportable. Russia has tasted power and I doubt they will walk away. watch this space.
Has anyone heard any firm news regarding the South Atlantic? It seems strange how quiet it has all gone! Weird in fact.