Latest take on oil prices
Contrary to what folks are trying to make us believe the oil producers ARE making HUGE profits from oil extraction.
OPEC is a fairly united organisation that has agreed to cut back oil production
A few months ago our experts assured us that oil was running out and we would NEVER see oil selling for as low as $100 per barrel.
I said tosh, there was an abundance of oil and it was just plain greed on behave of anyone and everyone involved in this sordid blackmail of road users.
My take
There are now very educated experts that are stating that there is shed loads of oil and it will definitely NOT be in short supply for at the very least another generation.
Buyers are now being sensible and realise there is so much oil available, OPEC can do or say what they want. Venezuela, Brazil, Russia and lots of other manufacturers will simply produce as much oil as they want.
I accept some experts will once more disagree with my take on this and I respect they are the experts, but if they go back through my posts and see how I strongly disagreed with their reasoning on why oil was so expensive and how I believed there was not a shortage, they will see I have stayed consistent even though everyone was saying we were totally wrong.
I wonder if gas guzzlers will still be punished on the pretext of OIL IS RUNNING OUT!!!
I was wrong when I thought OPEC would bring about a rise in oil prices, but that is solely because of the amount of oil other producers are putting onto the market and not because OPEC were not going to reduce the supply.
I still maintain that it would be nice to see OPEC break up and to me it is still a possibility.
Oh and before the doom merchants say that oil prices have dropped because the US summer has finished...........................
Don't bother because I will say that is tosh.
There is oil, oil, oil and more oil all waiting to be extracted and sold. We have been conned, deceived and ripped off.