Easy job - did it myself when I fitted 'quickpark'.
1) Remove the plastic interior trim around the rear of the boot area (re-usable plastic clips).
2)Remove the boot interior 'carpet' trims
3)Internal bolts at rear side, rear corner, and rear 'central' need to be removed. All nuts are captive so no problem here. The offside bolts are difficult to reach due to something being in the way (I can't remember what!)Leave the last two bolts in position, loose.
4)Remove fixing bolts (one each side) from the upper section of the bumper at the rear of the wheel arches. You need to move the arch liner slightly out of the way to get to these bolts. Be careful doing this. I laid on my back, looking up, and dropped a 10mm socket into my left eye. OUCH! It scratched my eyeball, nasty infection, antibiotics, etc etc etc
5)Remove the last two bolts, carefully pull the complete bumper backwards away from the car. It's possible to do this single-handed, but be careful to avoid damage.
Paul G