OK confirmed that in Germany they sell "V-Power 95" and "V-Power Racing" (100 Octane), as well as the standard FuelSave grade:
Shell Kraftstoffe - Deutschland
Not the same as "V-Power" in the UK.
Exactly - that's what i said about the expenditure on motorsport etc, they sell a brand more than anything.
Its very well to say I don't have evidence and take it to trading standards but to be honest, i don't have the time and given Flanaia's similar response [although i see you've decided not to take them to task on this...] I am not alone in the belief that V-Power is a little unstable and the RON level can change. Perhaps (unlike Optimax) it is now more likely to be 99 or never less than 99 so they can't get in trouble for that can they.
Apart from that, why do you think they do not advertise the RON rating at the pump? I'm sure most motorists simply 'buy the brand' and have no idea what the RON rating is and neither do they google it before putting the hose in their car... so why aren't Shell clear about it at the pump? What are your thoughts?