Apologies that you did not get clear enough information from us during the sales process.
The map disk gives you all the updates listed on our map disk sales page. We shouldn't metion ETA on the webpage, as ETA is not a benefit of the map disk, it is a benefit of the firmware running on the display unit.
The map disk contains updates for the Navigation processor which is in the boot.
The system in your car consists of
COMAND (display) unit
AGW (Amplifier, Tuner, etc)
Navigation processor
Phone controller
and different systems are updated differently.
You asked about ETA, and we were not sure whether the S class unit ever displayed ETA, or whether it could display it on the map whilst navigating (such as can be done on the E Class), so we suggested a head unit (display) update may give you this feature.
- I am not sure whether the firmware update gives ETA or not, because the W220 S class was discontinued around the same time as the feature appeared on the E class, but that is what I would try, and different models get different features.
However, when installing head unit updates, just occasionally these go wrong and leave you with a head unit acting like a brick. (i.e useless). We thus suggest that these are done by a Mercedes dealer since if they break it you can tell them to replace it, whereas if we do the update we warn you of the risk and that if it fails, you will have to purchase a new head unit - because we know they fail from time to time (we had a SL one fail 2 weeks ago, and the update disk is still in that head unit on our workbench!!)
I hope that explains better, and at least you got the new version of the disk that just arrived too - many MB dealers still seem to be selling their stock of old ones off.