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Shell V-Power Nitro vs BP Ultimate Active petrol

Shell V-Power

Why? 'Cos it's sold less than 1 mile from my home ...
I once had a 5 series that threw a wobbly anytime that I used BP and have, subconsciously, avoided them since.
Yep Shell 99 octane, BP 97 octane...simples!

My Honda S2000 hated BP Ultimate too, I stick to Shell or use Tesco Momentum (again 99 octane)

V-power is 99RON and BP is 97RON (IIRC), so V-Power for the Nissan. - The CLK just gets whatever is closest because it doesn't need the knock protection.
I once had a 5 series that threw a wobbly anytime that I used BP and have, subconsciously, avoided them since.

Fuunily enough, my E46 displays the same characteristic.

Its very happy with Shell Nitro and also Jet standard where the mpg does drop by 1-2 mpg.

The CLK normally has Shell Nitro, but didn't seem to mind BP Ultimate on the one occasion it had a full tank of it.
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Yep guess that 99RON will always be better than 97. Cheers.
Tesco momentum or V Power for me as 99 RON
The great fuel debate raises it's head again...:doh:
I haven't had to worry about petrol octane since 1972 when my Ducati wouldn't run right on anything but 5 star.
I put Sainsburys super into the 63 one day, no choice at the time. To my total surprise, it started, made it out the petrol station , did 250 mph on the motorway and actually got me home. To my enormous surprise the next day , it dam well started first time in the morning and actually got me to work.

I still can't believe it
I put Sainsburys super into the 63 one day, To my total surprise, it started, made it out the petrol station , did 250 mph on the motorway and actually got me home.I still can't believe it

LOL i've seriously gotta try Sainsbury's fuel :D Does it work like that with m113 engines??:rock:
BP poncy diesel is rubbish compared to V-Power so never bothered to try the petrol.
Around here it mostly comes from Stanlow anyway; it might be slightly different blends, but that's about it.
For a given octane rating the base fuel will be the same, but the additive package (cleaning agents, friction reducers, etc) will depend on the brand.
Putting aside the usual "Super" unleaded debates to one side for a minute, I am at a complete loss as to how BP can push their "super" fuel when it's the same Ron as Sainsbury's "super".
For a given octane rating the base fuel will be the same, but the additive package (cleaning agents, friction reducers, etc) will depend on the brand.

Putting aside the usual "Super" unleaded debates to one side for a minute, I am at a complete loss as to how BP can push their "super" fuel when it's the same Ron as Sainsbury's "super".

If I understood your post correctly, then the answer is that BP Ultimate and Shell V-Power are being marketed on the back of their enhanced additives pack (mostly detergents to keep the engine clean), and not just on the Octane number.
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