As I said in that brief note earlier, I lost a 70 year old close relative due to luck. He fell down stairs and spent six months in a coma before we turned him off. It was his NHS medication that messed around with his balance. Without those side effects, he wouldn’t have died “ten years before the average.”
I lost a 70 year old sibling due to "luck" but being 20kgs overweight messed up with her QRISK percentage - that estimate of the risk of likely cardiovascular problems . These are risk factors that we can do something about.
Want to calculate your own “luck?” Use this:
Calculate your heart age - NHS
And then there’s the niece who has had multiple strokes, heart and mobility issues. I can tell you more, if you’re interested.
Not “all,” just half of all cancers are lifestyle related. According to the Oncologists.