No , you have mis-read Russ's post. Russ is saying that if the pedal is pulsing every two seconds when the ABS system is supposed to be working then it is faulty ... not when you are sitting still with your foot on the brake.
If the ABS system is working , actually trying to stop you skidding , it should be pulsing quicker than you can count , 20 times a second maybe.
If you are sitting stationary , the ABS system won't be operating , and the pulsing every two seconds is your duo valve.
I'm not trying to convince you of anything mate , just trying to help , you asked for help , we gave it , there is no problem. Go and spend your money and have it 'fixed' if you like .
If this is the duo valve- and I am not saying it isn't, can the theory be tested by a temporary disconnect of the duo valve or by altering the heater controls temporarily. Surely that would alter the pulsing "signal" Maybe total disconnection would give one of these "modern babies" a nervous breakdown of course?
Mine does the 'duo-Valve 2 second beat' too. The best way to prove this is to lightly rest your foot on the pedal until you can feel the beat, then get a friend to touch the pipes connected to the duo valve (be careful, could be hot) and get him to make a noise everytime it pulses and see if his shouts are in sync with the beat you feel on the pedal. Simple