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Stop expanding the ULEZ to all the London boroughs in 2023

That article is 2012, not much has changed!
I remember the street lights turning off at approx midnight when I was a child. Came back on sometime before 7am when I got up for school
I’ve been using the M25, M1 and the A41 recently in the early mornings and the streetlights are never on.
Interesting arithmetic. The DM claims 279 vehicles to be replaced at cost of £140K each - so £40 million. So something else must be involved to reach £65 million.

But .... they also claim 12.50 per day per vehicle charge - well that would be 279*365.25*12.50 per year - so 1.3 million per year. So how long would these vehicles last ? 10 years? 15 at most? Well that's maybe between £13 million and £20 million.

But hang on a minute .... were ambulances not exempt from the charge ?

So thanks DM - clickbait headline - and no real sense because if I'm right about the exemption above the real scandal is spending anything on compliant vehicles.

OTOH if the stupid ULEZ is so critical to health the scandal is they didn't replace them long ago *at any price*.

They, like other businesses, were given a grace period to update their fleet. That time must have ran out. No doubt the NHS ran true to form and travelled down the least economical route to replace the vehicles.
Nevertheless all ambulances should have been exempt as a matter of common sense
They, like other businesses, were given a grace period to update their fleet. That time must have ran out. No doubt the NHS ran true to form and travelled down the least economical route to replace the vehicles.
Nevertheless all ambulances should have been exempt as a matter of common sense

In any event, £65m is Daily Mail clickbait.

It's not like the ambulances would have never needed replacing is it wasn't for ULEZ...

I don't know how long an ambulance is kept in service in London, say 10 years? If they replaced all of their pre-2015 fleet, then all they did was to bri forward the inevitable expense by 3 years (or less).

In other words, an 8 years old ambulance was already 80% though its service life anyway.

Even if they keep the ambulances for 15 years (which I doubt), it's still a far cry from having to spend £65m that they never meant to spend, according to the DM.
In any event, £65m is Daily Mail clickbait.

It's not like the ambulances would have never needed replacing is it wasn't for ULEZ...

I don't know how long an ambulance is kept in service in London, say 10 years? If they replaced all of their pre-2015 fleet, then all they did was to bri forward the inevitable expense by 3 years (or less).

In other words, an 8 years old ambulance was already 80% though its service life anyway.

Even if they keep the ambulances for 15 years (which I doubt), it's still a far cry from having to spend £65m that they never meant to spend, according to the DM.
Hence my comment about them being exempt from the charges
All streetlights around here go off at around midnight....always have done.
ULEZ or no ULEZ, you would have thought that the ambulance service wouldn't want to operate vehicles that are counterproductive to public health?

But ...... if the cost of replacing just a relatively small amount of vehicles that have almost no impact on health takes £65 million out of other health care expenditure ?

Absolutist approach why should they be operating ICE vehicles at all - even if it costs a lot more to manage an EV ambulance fleet ?

It's an interesting dilemma - basically the ULEZ is either the greatest saviour of London (and ultimately other cities) or the biggest crock of didactic nonsense? I think the latter. But if you think the former then maybe they should be moving the hospitals into clean zones outside the ULEZ with emergency A&E transit units within.
The black cab drivers obviously have a more effective union than the NHS

Khan's original explanation, when asked why black cabs are exempt from ULEZ charge while private hire cars (Ubers & Minicabs) are not, was that "Emissions from London's black cabs are controlled by Transport for London's (TfL) taxi vehicle licensing requirements rather than the ULEZ. This is because they are specially designed, wheelchair accessible vehicles that need to meet a wide range of technical standards, making them harder to replace than ordinary vehicles."

And while I do agree that the need for political support from the LTDA was probably at the forefront of his mind rather than wheelchair access, in practical terms this is a non-issue.

All black cabs that are 8 years and older are already ULEZ compliant, and since the age limit for London black cabs us currently 11 years, we are talking about a relatively small number of black cabs, i.e. those made between 2012 and 2014, a number that will go down to zero by 2026.
Khan's original explanation, when asked why black cabs are exempt from ULEZ charge while private hire cars (Ubers & Minicabs) are not, was that "Emissions from London's black cabs are controlled by Transport for London's (TfL) taxi vehicle licensing requirements rather than the ULEZ. This is because they are specially designed, wheelchair accessible vehicles that need to meet a wide range of technical standards, making them harder to replace than ordinary vehicles."

And while I do agree that the need for political support from the LTDA was probably at the forefront of his mind rather than wheelchair access, in practical terms this is a non-issue.

All black cabs that are 8 years and older are already ULEZ compliant, and since the age limit for London black cabs us currently 11 years, we are talking about a relatively small number of black cabs, i.e. those made between 2012 and 2014, a number that will go down to zero by 2026.
One of my homies has a 2013 Vito. He’s got word that it can be converted to Euro 6 but we shall wait and see.

The other 2 homies that are black cab drives have got the leccy ones. £360 a week!!

Most if not all black cab drivers hate Kahn.
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One of my homies has a 2013 Vito. He’s got word that it can be converted to Euro 6 but we shall wait and see.

If it's a 2013 black cab, then he won't be able to use is beyond next year anyway - not sure it's worth having it converted?
If it's a 2013 black cab, then he won't be able to use is beyond next year anyway - not sure it's worth having it converted?
Exactly. He’s toying with a few ideas tbh.

He paid his mortgage off a couple of years ago and he’s just bought a place in Spain. He’s think of splitting his time between here and there and renting a cab for when he’s here.

His wife is on extended gardening leave (paid) from Border Force. 🙄🙄
Why do they go off?
Why not?....so few people are out it's just a waste of power otherwise. To be honest it was only a few years ago that I realized that it was not the same everywhere! In the village I used to live in there was no street lighting at all...still isn't. Country boy through and through!
Why not?....so few people are out it's just a waste of power otherwise.
But what about the people that ARE about?
Shift workers, workers that get home late or start early? Critical workers?
Should they simply go and **** themselves because they might be seen as wasting power because there are so few of them?
They pay their taxes along with the next person.

What a wonderful attitude you have. Does it go along with your attitude towards people with drink, drug and gambling addictions?
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But what about the people that ARE about?
Shift workers, workers that get home late or start early? Can they simply go and **** themselves?

They pay their taxes the same as the next person.

I agree.
People with attitudes like that wind me up.

My wife is out the house at 5am. Does she not merit street lighting to make her journey to work safer?

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