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Stop expanding the ULEZ to all the London boroughs in 2023

Fair enough - but I honestly can’t see street lighting having an impact on this. Walking around in the early hours brings some level of risk, and even with lighting when there’s barely anyone around to help it’s easy for a thief to get you.
Here are 2 basic common sense questions.

You’ve got to walk along a long alleyway to get home from the pub. Do you,
A. Walk along it when it’s pitch black but use your phone torch to see where you’re going
B. Walk along it when it’s lit up like Blackpool illuminations.

The police are constantly telling us that the best way to protect our property is,
A. Make sure it’s well lit up with PIR etc
B. Ensure that it’s as dark as a dark thing can possibly be.

Strangely enough the power has just gone off in our local area. Anyone fancy a walk or a drive about??


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Fair enough - but I honestly can’t see street lighting having an impact on this. Walking around in the early hours brings some level of risk, and even with lighting when there’s barely anyone around to help it’s easy for a thief to get you.

But you can see people from afar and try and avoid them. Also the perpetrators know they'll be caught on CCTV.
You’ve got to walk along a long alleyway to get home from the pub. Do you,
A. Walk along it when it’s pitch black but use your phone torch to see where you’re going
B. Walk along it when it’s lit up like Blackpool illuminations.
C. Don’t walk via the alley way and instead use the main road.
D. Spend a few quid on an Uber to get home safely.
C. Don’t walk via the alley way and instead use the main road.
D. Spend a few quid on an Uber to get home safely.
So you’re going to use a main road with no lighting or an UBER that possibly has no insurance, a driver without a licence or a driver using somebody else’s credentials (all have happened)
Or you might not to be able to afford an UBER
But you can see people from afar and try and avoid them. Also the perpetrators know they'll be caught on CCTV.
Fair enough but they’ll likely be wearing a face covering of some sort.
So you’re going to use a main road with no lighting or an UBER that possibly has no insurance, a driver without a licence or a driver using somebody else’s credentials (all have happened)
Or you might not to be able to afford an UBER
But what about the people that ARE about?
Shift workers, workers that get home late or start early? Critical workers?
Should they simply go and **** themselves because they might be seen as wasting power because there are so few of them?
They pay their taxes along with the next person.

What a wonderful attitude you have. Does it go along with your attitude towards people with drink, drug and gambling addictions?

People with attitudes like that wind me up.

My wife is out the house at 5am. Does she not merit street lighting to make her journey to work safer?

Really?....well I can honestly say that I have never heard anyone around here saying they want street lights on (and doubtless keeping them awake) all night.....probably because its ALWAYS been like they and we have never known any different. When I moved from the village (with no street lighting) one of the most annoying things to get used to was it being light outside until midnight! It's pretty low crime down here so most don't give street lighting a second thought....it goes off when it goes off...end off. Assuming your wife (Darrell) drives to work then I assume her car has lights....and if she has to walk street lights won't help (statistically)...people get mugged in broad daylight.
It does does make me smile when you guys say about my attitude.....some of you might want to take a look in the mirror.....as well toughen up a bit....in case the bad people come to visit in the dark! My views about drug or alcohol are hardly in a tiny minority either. Some of you have a very odd mix of both left and right wing views.
Society is getting soft and people need to take responsibility for problems caused by themselves (smoking, drinking ,gambling etc etc) a bit more, rather than expecting the rest of us in society to do it...and fund it. Another thread I'm out of. Sleep well.
I think that the crime reporting rate is linked to the police actually doing something about it.

If you know that the police won't do anything if your phone is mugged off you or your car gets broken into, then you probably won't bother reporting it.

But if you know that they'll take it seriously and investigate it, and that there's a reasonable chance that the perpetrators will be caught and your stolen property will be returned to you, then you're more likely to report it.
How does anyone KNOW that the police won't do anything about a crime if you report it?
We’ve been victims of crime and I know scores of others who also have. We don’t bother reporting it because it’s a waste of time.
We’re not gang members and I actually find that remark rather insulting tbh.

As an example.
My daughter was attacked in the street 5 years ago. She knew the attackers because they were older girls from her school. She also knew where they lived. She had witnesses.

Being upstanding pillars of the community we duly reported it to the Police.

What do you think the Police did?
Is it really a waste of time reporting crimes? Or is it just that you probably won't benefit personally if you report a crime?
It is ridiculous and it’s why so many crimes (that might be petty in the eyes of the police) don’t get reported.
At the end of the financial year it certainly makes the books look good though. 😏
Is this an inference that the police only act when there's money to be made?

I find it disheartening when people I'd taken to be well balanced and intelligent have such a short-sighted opinion of our police. I'm not talking about the bad apples within the police forces, of which there are far too many, I'm talking about the general opinion of what the police set out to do. This goes beyond the erroneous beliefs so often voiced that speeding and ULEZ cameras are only there to raise funds for the police.

Within these pages we've seen members challenging the validity of crime figures, then almost in the same breath expressing a view that there's no point reporting crimes. How the **** do you think crime statistics are gathered? What's consequently more to the point is how do you think the police prioritise the use of their limited resources? What may be thought of as a petty crime, probably is when considered in isolation, and unable to justify redirecting resources from more pressing matters. But a whole collection of those "petty crimes" within an area becomes a greater concern and worthy of attention. If nobody is reporting them "because the police do nothing", how are the police to know and take appropriate action?

I think we're all becoming so self-absorbed that we're losing sight of the bigger picture. If we can't see an immediate and personal benefit, we think that there's no point. Through various taxes, we all pay a lot for our police - with very few of us seeming to appreciate what they do for us. We don't see what they're doing for us because they're doing a pretty good job of it. We'd be well up sh1t creek if they were rubbish. They'd be even better if we cooperated with them instead of constantly slagging them off.
How does anyone KNOW that the police won't do anything about a crime if you report it?
Experience. A crime was commited against my daughter and nothing happened. I’ve already explained this.
Is it really a waste of time reporting crimes? Or is it just that you probably won't benefit personally if you report a crime?
People don’t bother because from experience the Police do nothing about it.
I stood nothing to gain from reporting the crime against my daughter but I still reported it because it was the right thing to do.
Is this an inference that the police only act when there's money to be made?
I didn’t mean it from a financial perspective.
I find it disheartening when people I'd taken to be well balanced and intelligent have such a short-sighted opinion of our police.
It is sad but that’s life.
Within these pages we've seen members challenging the validity of crime figures, then almost in the same breath expressing a view that there's no point reporting crimes.
Correct. We all know that the figures are meaningless and are there to please the gullible ones. So in layman’s terms if you believe the figures you’re a mug (in my opinion).
If we can't see an immediate and personal benefit, we think that there's no point.
Speak for yourself on that one.
Through various taxes, we all pay a lot for our police - with very few of us seeming to appreciate what they do for us. We don't see what they're doing for us because they're doing a pretty good job of it. We'd be well up sh1t creek if they were rubbish. They'd be even better if we cooperated with them instead of constantly slagging them off.
I’ve got many friends who are in the police that hold various ranks and have 3 friends that have taken early retirement at 50. None of them have a good word to say about the force, the bosses or much else.
How does anyone KNOW that the police won't do anything about a crime if you report it?

Is it really a waste of time reporting crimes? Or is it just that you probably won't benefit personally if you report a crime?

Is this an inference that the police only act when there's money to be made?

I find it disheartening when people I'd taken to be well balanced and intelligent have such a short-sighted opinion of our police. I'm not talking about the bad apples within the police forces, of which there are far too many, I'm talking about the general opinion of what the police set out to do. This goes beyond the erroneous beliefs so often voiced that speeding and ULEZ cameras are only there to raise funds for the police.

Within these pages we've seen members challenging the validity of crime figures, then almost in the same breath expressing a view that there's no point reporting crimes. How the **** do you think crime statistics are gathered? What's consequently more to the point is how do you think the police prioritise the use of their limited resources? What may be thought of as a petty crime, probably is when considered in isolation, and unable to justify redirecting resources from more pressing matters. But a whole collection of those "petty crimes" within an area becomes a greater concern and worthy of attention. If nobody is reporting them "because the police do nothing", how are the police to know and take appropriate action?

I think we're all becoming so self-absorbed that we're losing sight of the bigger picture. If we can't see an immediate and personal benefit, we think that there's no point. Through various taxes, we all pay a lot for our police - with very few of us seeming to appreciate what they do for us. We don't see what they're doing for us because they're doing a pretty good job of it. We'd be well up sh1t creek if they were rubbish. They'd be even better if we cooperated with them instead of constantly slagging them off.

If you report it once or twice and hear nothing further, or if your friends or neighbours tell you that they've reported it and had no further contact from the police, then you assume that there's no benefit to you in reporting it.

If course the right thing to do is to always report all crimes, but human nature being what it is, that's unlikely to happen.
So this post isn't about Ulez or Street lighting. However to link it to both I did notice a while lot more Ulez signs while driving yesterday. When I was in Ware, the street lights went out at about midnight. That never bothered me walking home.

The point of this post. So I joined the South Circular road near West Dulwich station yesterday heading towards the Oval. It is now a 20 mph zone with most of the speed cameras having signs that say 30 mph. Turned right onto Brixton hill and matters got worse. The roads are now painted with 20 mph signs and all the speed cameras are 30 mph. Someone, please tell me how that works. It's really stupid. Everyone in front of me driving at 30 mph, only to slow down to 20 mph when they get to the cameras which are clearly marked 30 mph. Looks like I'll be giving up driving soon. 20 mph and me don't go together outside school zones.
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Experience. A crime was commited against my daughter and nothing happened. I’ve already explained this.
Just because you and a few other people have reported crimes and nothing has happened, doesn't mean that the police never do anything about reported crimes. I've had to report two crimes (both burglaries) and the police have attended both. Nobody caught to my knowledge. A friend also reported a burglary - the police attended and eventually arrested the criminal, who served a jail sentence. the company I worked for had two cars stolen - the police attended and recovered one of the cars. I repeat: you can't possibly KNOW that the police won't do anything.
People don’t bother because from experience the Police do nothing about it.
I stood nothing to gain from reporting the crime against my daughter but I still reported it because it was the right thing to do.
Again, that's just YOUR experience. And clearly the experience of all those others who expect the police to drop everything else and solve whatever crime they've reported.
I didn’t mean it from a financial perspective.
You mentioned the financial year. What did you mean then?
Correct. We all know that the figures are meaningless and are there to please the gullible ones. So in layman’s terms if you believe the figures you’re a mug (in my opinion).
You seem to have missed my point. How can the figures be a true representation when people don't report crimes? We all know that they're missing a lot of data and at best can only be a rough guide. It's somewhat incongruous to criticise inadequate information, whilst comfortably accepting that people won't provide information.
Speak for yourself on that one.
I was speaking for what appears to me to be the general attitude.
I’ve got many friends who are in the police that hold various ranks and have 3 friends that have taken early retirement at 50. None of them have a good word to say about the force, the bosses or much else.
Yet they stayed there getting paid. Had I ever been in such a disastrous position of not having a good word to say about my employer, I would have left immediately.
I have family who are or have been in the police force. Mixed experiences, like the vast majority of occupations.
I took early retirement at 50. My employer (a multinational corporation) had the usual mix of good and not so good points. Being a large company, I benefitted from being able to move between very different departments with very different experiences. I didn't retire at 50 because I had a low opinion of the company.
If you report it once or twice and hear nothing further, or if your friends or neighbours tell you that they've reported it and had no further contact from the police, then you assume that there's no benefit to you in reporting it.

If course the right thing to do is to always report all crimes, but human nature being what it is, that's unlikely to happen.
Exactly what I was saying. If there's no direct benefit to be seen, people don't bother. That's short-sighted and selfish. What we mostly don't see is the work that is done as a result of reporting crimes, whether it's building a meaningful picture of criminal activities leading to proactive actions being taken in an area to restrict such activity, or putting together a stronger case for prosecution. No doubt a proportion of stuff gets filed away and never looked at again, but that doesn't mean that all of the information is ignored.
The point of this post. So I joined the South Circular road near West Dulwich station yesterday heading towards the Oval. It is now a 20 mph zone with most of the speed cameras having signs that say 30 mph. Turned right onto Brixton hill and matters got worse. The roads are now painted with 20 mph signs and all the speed cameras are 30 mph. Someone, please tell me how that works. It's really stupid. Everyone in front of me driving at 30 mph, only to slow down to 20 mph when they get to the cameras which are clearly marked 30 mph. Looks like I'll be giving up driving soon. 20 mph and me don't go together outside school zones.
Do speed cameras have signs on them displaying the speed limit? I'm embarrassed to admit that I've never noticed.
Just because you and a few other people have reported crimes and nothing has happened, doesn't mean that the police never do anything about reported crimes.
That’s probably right but in MY personal experience my family and I have been let down and we now have zero faith in the Met Police.
I've had to report two crimes (both burglaries) and the police have attended both. Nobody caught to my knowledge.
Nothing surprises me. The police were probably too busy sending dirty WhatsApp messages to each other, raping women, taking the knee or watching a load of Pro Palestinians jumping on war memorials.
Again, that's just YOUR experience. And clearly the experience of all those others who expect the police to drop everything else and solve whatever crime they've reported.

You mentioned the financial year. What did you mean then?

You seem to have missed my point. How can the figures be a true representation when people don't report crimes?
I haven’t missed your point. We all know the figures aren’t a true representation.
The Police surely know that many crimes go unreported but what are they doing about it??
Yet they stayed there getting paid. Had I ever been in such a disastrous position of not having a good word to say about my employer, I would have left immediately.
Perhaps they needed the money and that’s very commendable of you.

At the end of the day Police crime figures don’t mean a thing to me. They’re the same as Covid statistics, the amount of illegals in the country, people that have died from diesel fumes. All a pack of lies.

Me and my family and a large amount of friends have completely lost faith in the Met. Unfortunately a small minority has ruined it for the majority which these days seams to be the norm in most walks of life.
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I took early retirement at 50. My employer (a multinational corporation) had the usual mix of good and not so good points. Being a large company, I benefitted from being able to move between very different departments with very different experiences. I didn't retire at 50 because I had a low opinion of the company.
I thought you work in the NHS. I must be getting you confused with someone else.
I thought you work in the NHS. I must be getting you confused with someone else.
I’ve been to hospital a few times, but never worked for the NHS. I don’t have the compassion.

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