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Stop expanding the ULEZ to all the London boroughs in 2023

But we can sweep all the muck under the carpet if you pay.

At least you get the option to pay a daily charge , the local Scottish councils took it upon themselves to make it a fine that doubles every time you enter the areas in a non compliant vehicle.

Going to be a fair few E5 diesels for sale up here from the start of next month , driving their used prices further into the ground.

Going to be a fair few E5 diesels for sale up here from the start of next month , driving their used prices further into the ground.
They’ve tanked down here.
A Slater I work with has a lovely 61 plate Astravan that he couldn’t sell for £1200. He’ll take £750.
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At least you get the option to pay a daily charge
That’s really going to help with the pollution of the planet and peoples health! 🤔
, the local Scottish councils took it upon themselves to make it a fine that doubles every time you enter the areas in a non compliant.
That’s hefty but I suppose they need to earn their money from somewhere.
That’s really going to help with the pollution of the planet and peoples health! 🤔

That’s hefty but I suppose they need to earn their money from somewhere.

I think we all know it is just a"front" , under the guise of improved health , to screw as much money out of the motorist as possible. If they really genuinely concerned , up here, then the first priority would be to prioritise the completion of the multitude of roadworks around Glasgow that are causing massive amounts of congestion in both directions and the pollution that comes with it.

Them camper vans dont come cheap , you know. Plus the government seem to use the - multiply the original cost by at least four factor - when any large projects are undertaken

I think we all know it is just a"front" , under the guise of improved health , to screw as much money out of the motorist as possible. If they really genuinely concerned , up here, then the first priority would be to prioritise the completion of the multitude of roadworks around Glasgow that are causing massive amounts of congestion in both directions and the pollution that comes with it.

Them camper vans dont come cheap , you know.

Why can’t people see the truth. It’s so obvious it’s unreal.
This is what I don’t quite get.
Your car is either bad for the planet or bad for peoples health but pay money and we’ll brush it under the carpet.

Would you rather have a blanket ban on driving non-ULEZ cars into the zone? And a blanket ban on sales of all cars emitting above a certain threshold of CO2?

The idea behind these type of charges is that they will deter people, and so less of the undesirable activities will take place. It's a comprise between a total ban and doing nothing about it.
I’m reading that CO2 is bad for the planet and NOx is bad for peoples health. Is that correct?


This is why, regarding CO2, it doesn't matter where it is being emitted, it could be right next to you or on top of a mountain. The damage to the atmosphere is the same, the damage to your health is nill.

With regard to NOx, it's mainly an issue if people breath it. If it's being emitted in a rural area it will disperse and won't cause health issues to anyone.
Would you rather have a blanket ban on driving non-ULEZ cars into the zone? And a blanket ban on sales of all cars emitting above a certain threshold of CO2?
Yes. Good idea isn’t it.
The idea behind these type of charges is that they will deter people, and so less of the undesirable activities will take place.
You know this is complete and utter bullshit.
Yes. In 2026 all diesels must comply to Euro 6 or newer. Job done...

That will go down well with the electorate.... :D
Why can’t people see the truth. It’s so obvious it’s unreal.

The authorities collect every year £,£££,£££,£££ in speeding tickets, parking fines, etc etc. It has become part of their budget. They actually rely on the fact that a not-insignificant part of the population will disobey the law and get fined. Why? Because that's human nature...

I had a coffee this morning with Mrs MJ at a local coffee shop. It's on a busy street corner. There's a double yellow line from the corner till the first parking bay, about three cars' length. During the 45 minutes that we were sitting there, the short stretch with the double yellow line wasn't empty for one second. Cars kept coming, parking-up, owners rushing out (presumably the age-old 'just going to the shops'), them after 10-15 minutes coming back and driving off, only for the vacant place to be immediately taken by another car. There's plenty of parking nearby, and today (Saturday) it actually free parking. But would they park legally and then walk the short distance to the shops? Of course not. Once in a while a traffic warden passes by, presumably some get a ticket, to which I imagine they will respond with a burst of expletives, cursing the traffic warden and the council. Rant over....
The authorities collect every year £,£££,£££,£££ in speeding tickets, parking fines, etc etc. It has become part of their budget. They actually rely on the fact that a not-insignificant part of the population will disobey the law and get fined. Why? Because that's human nature...

I had a coffee this morning with Mrs MJ at a local coffee shop. It's on a busy street corner. There's a double yellow line from the corner till the first parking bay, about three cars' length. During the 45 minutes that we were sitting there, the short stretch with the double yellow line wasn't empty for one second. Cars kept coming, parking-up, owners rushing out (presumably the age-old 'just going to the shops'), them after 10-15 minutes coming back and driving off, only for the vacant place to be immediately taken by another car. There's plenty of parking nearby, and today (Saturday) it actually free parking. But would they park legally and then walk the short distance to the shops? Of course not. Once in a while a traffic warden passes by, presumably some get a ticket, to which I imagine they will respond with a burst of expletives, cursing the traffic warden and the council. Rant over....
Sounds like you’re in Mill Hill but I do think you’re comparing apples to oranges.

I totally agree with all that you’ve said here but not with the ULEZ. What I said about scrapping ALL dirty vehicles by 2026 is a better idea.

It’s a compromise. The mayor gets his clean air and it gives the proles plenty of time to get shot of their dirty vehicles. We’re in times where people are increasingly finding themselves short of money. People are financially stretched so surely the man of the people can cut them some slack.

Kahn is an ****hole, he’s even diagnosing himself with PTSD!! 🤣🤣

Ps, don’t forget that we’re discussing the ULEZ extension here. We’re not talking inner city smog infested streets. People who live in the countryside are being targeted now and this is what’s getting to people.

The dirty stinky city air in the photo below is a 2 minute walk from my house. You can rotate 360° and the view is the same!!

Walk 20 minutes down the road and there is an empty plot of land where the developers couldn’t get planning permission for hundreds of flats.

Barnet Council rejected it. Kahn overthrew the Councils decision. Does this now mean that Kahn has set a precedent for ignoring Council planning decisions? The man is an ****hole.
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Fury at electric car owners dangling charging cables across pavements

Fury at electric car owners dangling charging cables across pavements

This isn't right.

More Ubitricity bollards needed:

This isn't right.

More Ubitricity bollards needed:

I’m starting to see cables stretched across pavements and poked out of the windows of flats and it’s only going to get worse.

The amount of flats being built in London and the SE will never have enough charging points for all of these cars. I know people will say that if you’re living in London you won’t need a car but the reality is that the tube and bus network can’t handle what’s happening now, never mind what’s going to happen 10 years down the line.

The installation of these bollards will only mean huge expense, more traffic chaos and more pot holes when the newly laid (bodged) road surface begins to deteriate.
Imagine the inhabitants of these flats all charging their vehicles at the half dozen chargers that’ll be provided!!

View attachment 141177

Someone I know is adding flats to an existing business in Hackney. The building does not have a car park, instead residents rely on Residents Parking bays in the street, requiring a Resident Parking permit. This is a private building located right next to a large compound of newly-built council estates, all with private off-street parking. The bottom line is that Hackney Counsil refused planning permission for the additional flats, unless there is a mandatory clause in every new lease that says that it's a condition of the lease that neither the Leaseholder nor the tenants apply for a Residents Parking permit. In short, the new flats are approved on condition that the people living in them legally commit to not owning a car. I think that in future there will simply be dwellings for carless people, and dwellings for those who must have a car, at least in the bigger cities.
I’m starting to see cables stretched across pavements and poked out of the windows of flats and it’s only going to get worse.

The amount of flats being built in London and the SE will never have enough charging points for all of these cars. I know people will say that if you’re living in London you won’t need a car but the reality is that the tube and bus network can’t handle what’s happening now, never mind what’s going to happen 10 years down the line.

The installation of these bollards will only mean huge expense, more traffic chaos and more pot holes when the newly laid (bodged) road surface begins to deteriate.

But what's the alternative? The future of personal transport is electric. This is a global tend (at lease in the West) that is unlikely to be reversed. We simply need to get on with the business of installing more public chargers.

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