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Stop expanding the ULEZ to all the London boroughs in 2023

Part of the problem is definition. Junk food is what exactly? And what makes it 'junk'. And is it actually a problem.
Ask the obese what they eat and you'll have your answer.
It will undoubtedly include items that are not meals but in-between meal snacks. As good a place to start as any.

And is it actually a problem.
The prevalence of obesity and it's accompanying health problems suggests it is a problem. A problem large enough to consume the NHS if unchecked.
Some real disgruntled anti-everything people on here.

Notting Hill Carnival is not my thing, but 85 arrests out of 2 million people?

How many people get arrested on say NYE or at major football events etc?

What’s this got to do with ULEZ though?
Some real disgruntled anti-everything people on here.

Notting Hill Carnival is not my thing, but 85 arrests out of 2 million people?

How many people get arrested on say NYE or at major football events etc?

What’s this got to do with ULEZ though?
I’m not anti everything. Just most things. 😏

2 million people went??

Not interested in NYE or a football match.

Nothing to do with ULEZ per se but it amused me to read about Kahn telling the world about the great city of London blah blah and then a short while later it’s revealed that there have been 85 arrests and a gang of youths are running amok with machetes!! It further fuels my thoughts that this man can’t be trusted and what comes out of that large hole in his face is total BS.
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2 million people went??

Not interested in NYE or a football match.

Nothing to do with ULEZ per se but it amused me to read about Kahn telling the world about the great city of London blah blah and then a short while later it’s revealed that there have been 85 arrests and a gang of youths are running amok with machetes!! It further fuels my thoughts that this man can’t be trusted and what comes out of that large hole in his face is total BS.
It’s what it suggests in the article you linked to.

Like I say, it’s not my thing but I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s a similar number of arrests relative to the number of attendees at any major event in warm weather involving huge crowds and drink/drugs/music etc.

36 arrests at Glastonbury for 200k people apparently.

But what’s this got to do with ULEZ?
This might be the case for a local trader who has a forecourt in a disused petrol station, but all the big dealers just send to auction houses the cars they take in as Px.

The last two second hand cars I bought from a London dealer had their previous owners one in Scotland and the other in Birmingham.
But surely any dealer looking at his/her bottom line would take advantage of the situation to offer lower part ex (unless the owner went further north to change cars.....) That is not a dig at dealers BTW, but simple business sense. A good number of people wanting/needing to change won't be going the big dealers as the price point there will be too high - so need to use the smaller dealers
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Shouldn't this thread now be called the,

where do I get a cheap compliant car from,

its happened already and will spread to other cities very fast 😇
Shouldn't this thread now be called the,

where do I get a cheap compliant car from,

its happened already and will spread to other cities very fast 😇
Autotrader or eBay
Heads&Shoulders? :banana::banana:
My wife is a hairdresser and she says that Head & Shoulders is rubbish. Sounds appropriate for me then! :doh:

I applied for a far less clever name yesterday and still waiting for it to be permitted by the powers that be.

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