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Nov 26, 2009
sl500 E320
What do people think they'll do with their cars when the Ultra Low Emission Zone bans cars older than 10 years anywhere within the North and south circular roads in London in 2020 ?
First I've heard of it. It's a feasibility study at present, so let's wait and see what actually happens, shall we? Don't panic Mr. Mannering....


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Unless and until there's some detail available, I don't think anybody can really offer informed opinion or comment. It's not even a plan yet, just an idea...
As this huge area encompasses several areas with well documented issues around poverty, it would be politically unfeasible.
If there is anything in this at all, is it not more likely that the powers that be are using the usual tactics of giving the worse case scenario to make us grateful when they introduce something less draconian which, coincidentally, is the very thing they wanted from the outset? Their actual actual goal, if you will.
Whatever that may be.
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No doubt Seoul welcomed the move, based on their experience with how the Scrapage Scheme increased car production in South Korea.
Interesting... cars will be banned purely based on age, regardless of how much they actually pollute?

I wonder what will happen to all those G-Wiz electric cars - will they be banned as well? Does not seem like they thought it through...

Possibly just another daft idea, like the stillborn blackbox/GPS-based per-mile VED.

Unless it's part of a secret plan to drive all the poor people away from London...? Hmmmm....
Unless it's part of a secret plan to drive all the poor people away from London...? Hmmmm....

With average house price of £0.5m, I thought there are already no poor people left there :dk:
Saw something about this on the local news last night. 2 things:

1) An additional £10 on top of the existing congestion charge for cars older than 2005, effective October next year

2) ULEZ charge (£12.50 for cars) 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, for cars older than 2005, effective September 2020.

I'm all for improving the air quality in central London. It's not great stepping out and breathing in the fumes from all the buses, taxis and lorries. But simply going after people who have a car that's more than 10 years old is ridiculous in my opinion. Personally I prefer cars that are older and choose to drive one. What about the people who don't have the choice and simply can't afford a newer car that suits their needs?

The ULEZ proposal is also ridiculous in that it's all year round. So you won't be able to pop into central London by car on the weekend without having to fork out £12.50.

I'll be having my say by filling in the online consultation on the link below. If this potentially affects you, then please do the same:

https://consultations.tfl.gov.uk/en...e-2?cid=airquality-consultation#Have your say
I can appreciate it might affect some, but frankly I couldn't care less about London. Spent too many years working there to ever want to visit it again.
From my understanding, it's not a question of the car's age, it's whether it's compliant with Euro 4 standards (for petrol engines) and Euro 6 (for diesel engines).

There's also a provision for "Early Adopter" engines that were compliant with the standards before they came into force (like my 2003 CL55, for instance...)
What do people think they'll do with their cars when the Ultra Low Emission Zone bans cars older than 10 years anywhere within the North and south circular roads in London in 2020 ?

Drive aroun Bristol like I do now :D :D
I can appreciate it might affect some, but frankly I couldn't care less about London. Spent too many years working there to ever want to visit it again.
I don't dislike London, but I'm happy to leave my car in Stoke and catch the train in. - Not much more expensive from here compared with St Albans, despite being a lot longer journey.
A lot of people are going to be annoyed if the Dartford crossing is closed and they have to use the Blackwall Tunnel
If I recall Paris has done this. People then spoke up and they then acquiesced and have allowed over a certain age. This then leaves a chunk of middle age cars that are not allowed in that are left undesirable.
I grew up 12 miles from Trafalger Square on the border of Surrey. In my "courting" days, I would certainly not drive anywhere local, it was the West End or nothing.

Easy parking in one of the squares or side streets, and the prices in Pubs/Cinemas not too different from nearby.

In the intervening 40 years, I still live near where I was brought up, but everything's changed (particularly the parking) so I don't bother driving into Town anymore, just too much aggravation and cost. I can use the train for Free now, but seldom bother because I don't feel welcome. Getting home at a reasonable hour using trains is impossible anyway..

So speaking just for me, the Businesses of central London can do without my money.

I wonder if this is what they intended?
So - I've just gone through the TFL check for ULEZ and my CLK55 AMG on a June 2003 plate (W209) is exempt according to the online tool. I find that somewhat surprising!

I live within the north and south circular area where the extended ULEZ comes into effect in 2021 and was thinking about selling 'the beast' but am thinking twice now. Also - you used to be able to pick these up for £5k but they all seem to be going for £8k now (albeit for lower mileage ones).

On a side note - the London councils are actively blocking roads as part of the mini Holland scheme and making it more difficult to live with a car in London. It should also be noted that these schemes are a trial for country wide bans from cities in the UK...so to the smug gits in this post - make the most of it ;-)

Is there an upward trend for CLK55s in general? Not many of them on the road anyway - is rarity pushing the price up?
so the third runway at Heathrow is OK as the planes run on fairy dust

They should build a third runway as Heathrow is running at max capacity at the moment isn’t it?

Also I don’t live near it so couldn’t give less of a ****! :)

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