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What irritates you about motorbikers?


Active Member
Aug 31, 2014
2015 E Class coupe 220 diesel bluetec, 2009 Mitsubishi Colt 1.3
For me it is breaking all speed limits, weaving through queued traffic at speed and LOUD EXHAUSTS through my otherwise quiet village.

Come on get it off your chest, or is it just me?
Cant actually think of the last time that a motorbike has been irritating. However, if you were to say cyclist - it would be a completely different story.
Like pedestrians, cyclists and car drivers, there are many different types of bikers, some are responsible gentlemen/ladies of the road, some are suicide cases on two wheels.

My pet hate seems to have disappeared with the changes to motorway roadworks - the ones who filter through to the roadworks and then force their way in front of you, effectively delaying everyone else behind them - and then magically expecting you to keep a safe distance behind them when they decided 6" in front of you was fine to pull in. Some do that at traffic lights where filtering is OK if you have somewhere to go, otherwise wait in turn like the rest of us.

Generally, I like to give bikers a wide berth for their own safety, so I get cross when I see bikers not looking after themselves.

I think the last bad tempered reaction I had from a biker was when I drove a couple of miles along a single carriageway road, carefully following the road markings, and sticking to the speed limit, which I personally believe is the right thing in built up areas. There are lots of bollards, cycle lane causing the lane to weave around, but all quite obvious. Got to the High Street, which has a succession of humped zebra crossings, but as soon as the oncoming traffic cleared, a biker shot past, turning around, flicking the V's and generally suggesting I had been driving inappropriately. His only complaints could have been that driving at the speed limit was too slow for him, or I should have driven up the cycle lane (or indeed pavement) to let him past. He didn't seem to think that riding down a High Street not looking where he was going was a problem.

I will also add that a significant number of motorcyclists think that as they are vulnerable that it is legitimate to ride on full beam everywhere, dazzling people.
Yes it is just you ;) , bikes are great :bannana:

Veyron acceleration for 2k , depending on bike / rider.

Far more skill involved to drive quickly than driving a car , especially an automatic car.

Decent MPG , reasonable insurance for their performance , reasonable servicing costs , reasonable road tax.

Summers day run through Glen Coe topped off with a fish supper in Oban , whats not to like.

Agreed ,some are a little noisy but there more young lads with really loud exhausts on their cars than there are noisy bikes going around. Having said that an in-line-four with an aftermarket pipe (Akra / Yoshi) being revved to 12k is music to my ears :thumb:

I was one until I was knocked off my an OAP on his flipping phone. Will never ride again on the road and I did 20 miles a day, maybe a few hundred over the summer on the weekend. And I still get irritated by them on a daily basis, it's one thing to ride fast, it's another to know how to. Advanced riding should be essential, then it wouldn't bug the hell out of me. Some of the clowns that hurl past and cut you up have no idea what the hell their doing and will die at some point, their are some that look like they are being idiots but are completely aware and know how to do what they are doing.

Not every one who owns a bike is a biker,
Can't beat "filtering" through traffic jams.....which is actually legal and taught to you during your bike training.
Yep there are a few knobs popping up on the back wheel.....no different to the hand brake turn brigade in a supermarket car park.
Think any bike rider pretty much becomes a better car driver, as you learn to anticipate the car driver who is going to pull out without indicating and appreciate how much it's going to hurt if you do crash.
I will also add that a significant number of motorcyclists think that as they are vulnerable that it is legitimate to ride on full beam everywhere, dazzling people.

Which it isn't, but unfortunately the proliferation of poxy DRL's mean that the visibility advantage of having headlights on is now lost.
Which it isn't, but unfortunately the proliferation of poxy DRL's mean that the visibility advantage of having headlights on is now lost.
...and many DRLs are quite dazzling and distracting in themselves, which begs the question of whether they are properly designed for the task. Perhaps "dim dipped" wasn't such a stupid idea after all.
The only thing that gets me about bikers is when they weave from lane to lane on fast moving motorways and that's only because it's not something I'd have ever done - plain stupid :devil:.
For me it is breaking all speed limits, weaving through queued traffic at speed and LOUD EXHAUSTS through my otherwise quiet village.

Come on get it off your chest, or is it just me?


Or it the case, perhaps, that "LOUD EXHAUSTS through my otherwise quiet village" is the root of the dislike? And is that dislike disproportional in that it is a quiet village and any noise stands out? Just wondering.
When a biker under steers and comes over to my lane on country roads. This happens alot on the Bromyard Road to Leominster.

I purposely avoid that route in the summer as too many near misses have happened. I even had to stick my car into a hedge to save a bikers life onetime. Did he stops! No, but I'm still glad I did that as I don't want to hurt anyone.

This all said I love bikes in an engineering sense and have met many very good bikers.
Not too keen on bikers undertaking in fast flowing motorway traffic, just seems a bit thick to me given how little protection they have.
Overflowing with irony...as is your post on the Teachers thread. hahaha.

Glad you liked it :)

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