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What irritates you about motorbikers?

I find them boring with limited interests.
Most of them can only talk about bikes - usually one make, or bullsh1t about what great riders they are and how fast their bikes can go.
I find them boring with limited interests.
Most of them can only talk about bikes - usually one make, or bullsh1t about what great riders they are and how fast their bikes can go.

Sounds exactly like most car-drivers.
"My pet hate seems to have disappeared with the changes to motorway roadworks - the ones who filter through to the roadworks and then force their way in front of you, effectively delaying everyone else behind them - and then magically expecting you to keep a safe distance behind them when they decided 6" in front of you was fine to pull in. Some do that at traffic lights where filtering is OK if you have somewhere to go, otherwise wait in turn like the rest of us."

Can't entirely agree with that. The whole point of riding a bike as transport, as opposed to purely for enjoyment, is that unless either the road is closed or lights are at red, you never actually have to stop. That's why courier companies use bikes, not cars. Unlike a car, a bike almost ALWAYS has somewhere to go when the lights change, even at a box junction. The whole object is NOT to wait in turn like the rest of us.

Don't hold a bike up; he's not going to hold you up.

That said, I commute (40-mile round trip) on a bike as often as I can, but I, too, am often irritated by the selfish, anti-social and often plain hooligan behaviour of some other riders. There's never a policeman handy when you need one...
Bikes that get in the way on the open road, they often slow far too much for corners and then blast away on the straights only to be too slow in the next series of corners - a right PITA. Also headlights on full, I just do the same to them. :)
I find most are pretty good drivers(riders), they have to be as they are far more exposed than we are in our tin cans. I always try to move over to allow them to pass me in safety and would hope that whilst my high level (3rd) brake lights might annoy some whilst I wait at traffic lights, they do allow a rider to see I am stopping/stopped through the rear windows of the cars that are behind me.

Unless of course they have a pizza box on the back, then its open season :)

Oh, and I hate them as they can whizz past Specs cameras with impunity lol
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My issue with bikers (and cyclists) is that even a small prang can end-up in series injury or worse for the rider.

Apart from the obvious which is that I do not want this on my conscious, I also believe that the law is generally in favour of the biker/cyclist.

This evening, I was standing at a traffic light, then the light turned yellow and green and I set off without drama. A biker came from behind and to my right with some speed and at an angle ie to avoid the traffic light pole to my right, passing inches from my wing mirror, then leaning inwards towards my front right wing. I braked hard, and the bike just missed the front bumper and sped on in front of me.

He obviously did not plan on the lights turning green and me moving forward, which means he was going to jump the red light going quite fast.

Not sure what was going through his mind, but had I not noticed him coming from my right (the bike was going fast and therfore very loud), he would have colided with my front wing and given his speed would have been flung over the bonnet.

I am not sure how I would have been able to explain this to the police - unfortunately there is no camera at that junction.
If it's really the noise that's the issue...consider the almost uncountable number of posts on here about 'performance' exhaust mods...
If it's really the noise that's the issue....

Most decent bike systems only start to bark above 6-7K on WOT, below that they are pretty subdued , unless it is a large displacement V twin with straight through pipework then it would wake the dead , a bit like some of the Scoobies that are driving around.

I never really saw the point of a loud exhaust on a car , unless you are 17 and think noise = speed or have something under the bonnet that has something to shout about.

Bike exhaust notes are no more irritating than the pounding bass that many yoofs inflict on the general public through their open car windows, who may not share their taste in music.
It all boils down to antisocial behaviour.

Doesn't matter if they're in a car, on a motorbike or on a bicycle, selfish and inconsiderate people will revert to type and behave in an antisocial way.

I ride a motorcycle and drive and like to think I see things from both sides, but I still manage to hate cyclists :D
I never really saw the point of a loud exhaust on a car , unless you are 17 and think noise = speed or have something under the bonnet that has something to shout about.

I guarantee that ownership of a V8 AMG, (particularly a 6.2na) would change your mind :thumb:.
Nothing irritates me about motorcyclists. Live and let live. I've never owned one and never wanted to but lots do, so fine. The comparative death rates worry me,it seems a hazardous method of travel but I can understand the exhilaration and the sense of freedom you can sometimes get. I suspect a wet Thursday night in December is probably not so much fun.
I started with a bike. It's a great way to acquire road sense and hazard awareness. If you don't learn quickly, you don't last long! Most bikers these days, though, seem to be middle aged men trying to recapture their youth on bikes far more powerful than the ones they used to ride.:eek:
Reggie-rock said:
For me it is breaking all speed limits, weaving through queued traffic at speed and LOUD EXHAUSTS through my otherwise quiet village. Come on get it off your chest, or is it just me?
normally I go pass them with a even louder exhaust!:D
normally I go pass them with a even louder exhaust!:D

Nah now your just being daft, I have a 2012 fireblade and it would destroy my car up to about 120mph.....then the car would start to gain ground and cruise past the bike. And the bike with the Akra exhaust on is definitely louder than the car at VMax:D
I started with a bike. It's a great way to acquire road sense and hazard awareness. If you don't learn quickly, you don't last long! Most bikers these days, though, seem to be middle aged men trying to recapture their youth on bikes far more powerful than the ones they used to ride.:eek:

Pretty much this with me. I know that if I were to get on a bike now I'd be quite dead by the time I'd gone an hour or less. When I was riding the roads were a lot quieter than they are now, and bikes were a lot faster than cars. Still true to an extent, though there are some pretty quick cars about now.

I was recently looking at buying an old bike just for weekend/light use, though decided against it as I just wouldn't trust myself anymore on one, let alone have any trust in other people.

As for them irritating me, nothing really bothers me about them, I just try to give them plenty of room and always let them pass where I can. They may get there before me but I'll be warm and dry when I arrive. :)
or have something under the bonnet that has something to shout about .-- Kenny

I guarantee that ownership of a V8 AMG, would change your mind :thumb:.

The V8 was exactly what I was referring to regarding having an engine that had something to say for itself.

Back in the day I had an Orion 1.6i Ghia and along with various RS Turbo bits it had a Pico system fitted and it was a PITA to go any distance due to the racket from the exhaust , even with the Alpine sounds turned up blasting out some 80`s nonsense .


Or it the case, perhaps, that "LOUD EXHAUSTS through my otherwise quiet village" is the root of the dislike? And is that dislike disproportional in that it is a quiet village and any noise stands out? Just wondering.

Yes you could well have a point Giantvanman about the loud exhausts which does not help when their leaving the pub at the weekend at 60mph in a 30.

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