I have to support Mac OS X and whilst I don't have an issue using it, it does go EOL quick and I am often using the shell to do anything important as you can't do it in the graphical interface.
That and the fact out of the 4 we have, 3 have had major technical failures and a duff screen, 1 iMac more than once, in the last 3 years compared to bugger all similar failures (2 PSUs I think and a handful of hard disks) in an estate of around 70 Dell/HP computers over 6 years.
Windows 7 is still very similar to XP and a lot faster (booting in particular) in real life.
That and the fact out of the 4 we have, 3 have had major technical failures and a duff screen, 1 iMac more than once, in the last 3 years compared to bugger all similar failures (2 PSUs I think and a handful of hard disks) in an estate of around 70 Dell/HP computers over 6 years.
Windows 7 is still very similar to XP and a lot faster (booting in particular) in real life.