It’s crazy, I can travel up and down this country delivering, use all the services for meals etc, but can’t go to coast with my wife for fish and chips on my day off
Hi All sorry for the radio silence with all thats been going on in the work the day job became all consuming for a little while.
I wanted to wish you all a happy new year and hope that it will be better than this one.
I have still had no contact from the waterwheel in all these months so I wanted to run something past you all for when we can start these meets up again. I wanted to see what you thought of alternating the venue between Flamborough Head in Bridlington and Yummy Yorkshire in Huddersfield?
I hope you are all well and hopefully get back to meets When Boris sets us all free
Hi All I hope you are all well hopefully the light is at the end of the tunnel regards to meets. I have had a change of car now driving a Volvo v40 or will be once the insurance company has fixed the Bambi damage! I’m still happy to arrange meets once lockdown lifts.
Hi All sorry to keep using this old Thread. My enthusiasm for cars and car meets has taken a kick in in the past few months.
I just feel that I am not able to honor sorting the meets that Andy used to. I'm hoping this will come back in the future but at the moment I need to have a break from the scene and i'm unsure if I will return. The snobbery I have experienced recently has really spoilt something I used to really enjoy. I hope you are all doing well and have a prosperous and safe future.