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  1. NW_Merc

    Pioneer W202 custom fit dash tweeters - TS-H2AT

    MERCEDES W202 PIONEER DASH SPEAKERS C36 C43 ULTRA RARE! on eBay (end time 02-Nov-10 18:44:15 GMT) Do these seem expensive?
  2. B

    Fitting a Pioneer Avic-F20BT into W209

    Hi Guys and girls hope you can help... I'm thinking of installing a Pioneer AVIC-F20BT into my 2005 W209 CLK to replace the Audio 20. Pioneer AVIC-F20BT - www.pioneer.eu Ive read the Pioneer's instalation manual which mentions the following connections to be made. Speed Pulse Wire...
  3. Blackman

    W124 Pioneer CD Receiver Installation

    I had some crappy JVC tape radio on my W124, which wasn't even working, so decided to remove that and put a nice Pionner CD receiver. The problem is that the JVC was connected by a completely different plug, and it's obvious that I need some kind of adapter, but don't know which one? :confused...
  4. E

    Upgrade To Merc Original Sat Nav System or Go Pioneer? W203

    Anybody here done this upgrade and willing to give me their opinion? It seems I can source the original sat nav units for 5-600 around ebay and other sites and the same for a new Pioneer sat nav but I'm worried the pioneer would look a fair bit out of place
  5. A

    Pioneer DEH - 50UB Car Hi-Fi

    Great sounding single DIN unit, 4 x 50 watt mosfet amps (can be used as two channel) Line out for power amps USB with Ipod interface included for full ipod integration/control. Line in for auxillary input Loads of features..... full spec here on Pioneer's site Excellent condition...
  6. Matt32AMG

    Pioneer DEX-P99RS

    I'm considering fitting a Pioneer DEX-P99RS Component Reference Series CD Tuner into my SLK32. It kinda ticks my boxes and handles just about every format you can think of, see the spec. (It also is understated which I quite like)...
  7. crockers

    Google to Pioneer a sh*tty Broadband service in USA

    Google proposing a new service via the toilet. Is this an early April Fools joke? How TiSP Works pity we're on a septic system.
  8. henry1

    Pioneer CA-R-PI.131 - Steering Wheel Interface - W203

    Any one got one? :dk:
  9. E

    Pioneer F900bt

    Double Din DVD player/ navigation unit/ radio/cd player/ USB port/ sd card slot/ with cable for non video iPod (will connect to video iPod and play video from it with seperate cable) unit has built in bluetooth with seperate microphone. Remove from my 10 month old car (only fitted six months...
  10. P

    Experiences with the pioneer avic units

    Wife's descided she wants a 2Din dvd & nav headunit for here w203. :crazy: Was looking to get feedback from owners as to ease of use, problems, performance, etc... DVD and DVD control for headrest monitors is most important. Navigation not as much and sound pretty much not important. Pretty...
  11. Shala

    Pioneer 10cm speakers @ Argos for £7.99, hope this helps someone

    Buy Pioneer TS-G1001i Dual Cone In-Car Speakers. at Argos.co.uk - Your Online Shop for .
  12. C

    Problem fitting Pioneer headunit to Bose system (W208)

    Hi, i'm new to the forum, i've just bought a W208 mercedes CLK which is fully loaded, it's got the Bose stereo system but came with an old jvc head unit, this works fine. I've tried fitting my Pioneer DEH-P700BT the headunit powers up fine but for some reason no sound will come out of the...
  13. NW_Merc

    W202 pioneer custom fit speakers

    http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Mercedes-C-Class-Pioneer-Custom-fit-Speakers-W202_W0QQitemZ190290297371QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_CarsParts_Vehicles_CarParts_SM?hash=item190290297371&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=72%3A1683%7C66%3A2%7C65%3A12%7C39%3A1%7C240%3A1318 Are these really this expensive?
  14. MikeL

    Pioneer Televisions

    Report floating around the tubes that Pioneer are going to completely withdraw from TV & DVD etc production, cheapness rules I guess :( Have put my order in :) Mike
  15. D

    Pioneer Avic X1r Bt

    Hey Guys, any ideas on the following? We have a 2006 Vito on the fleet which is used by a team of our engineers, they`ve fitted a Pioneer Avic X1R with the bluetooth module for handsfree phone use. According to the manual you can get a huge number of menus up and dial out from the screen...
  16. Venomous

    Pioneer FH P80BT - Next Project -

    Well Audio 20 and the Parrot CK3100 your days are numbered... I'm currently looking at a new double DIN head unit, namely the Pioneer FH P80BT. Lots of nice features, and Blue Tooth. Not bothered about navigation, as the Snooper Syrius takes care of that. Just wondering if anyone else had...
  17. G

    Pioneer Dolby S

    Having a bit of a clearout, tape deck on eBay... http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=160280572286
  18. G

    Pioneer dolby S cassette deck

    Bit of old school magic for those who still use cassettes. This has had little use. looking for £30 + postage. PM me if interested.
  19. gurpz

    Pioneer TS-H2AT Custom Fits For W202

    A rare chance to grab a good set of custom fit speakers. I believe that NW_Merc was after a set of these so here you go mate: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Pioneer-TS-H2AT-150w-Mercedes-Benz-C-Class-Speakers_W0QQitemZ220226468149QQihZ012QQcategoryZ3292QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
  20. G

    pioneer removal keys tools

    Removal tools/keys (and some other bits&bobs) for pioneers stereos. Brand new and unopened. £2.50 inc postage
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