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Anyone seen any good number plates on cars lately?

Was he travelling at less than the speed limit?
Not relevant.....is it? People have been nicked in the "fast last" at 70 for not moving over to let faster traffic by. Was only reading about a case like this on another forum recently Their defence was indeed that they were already at the limit so no one should want to pass. Basically the judge said in different words that two wrongs don't make a right and implied that the other peoples speed was a separate offence and not yours to police...so he was done.
Not relevant.....is it? People have been nicked in the "fast last" at 70 for not moving over to let faster traffic by. Was only reading about a case like this on another forum recently Their defence was indeed that they were already at the limit so no one should want to pass. Basically the judge said in different words that two wrongs don't make a right and implied that the other peoples speed was a separate offence and not yours to police...so he was done.
It is, because if the driver in the overtaking lane was doing less than the speed limit and traffic already in the other lanes crept past on the inside then that is perfectly legal. What would not be legal is deliberately changing lanes to pass on the inside or exceeding the speed limit to pass on the inside.
Gotcha....I thought you were looking to defend his behaviour if he was out there at 70 mph...Its not technically illegal to overtake on the inside anyway....the highway code says...

Although not strictly illegal, undertaking is strongly discouraged by The Highway Code, stating “do not overtake on the left or move to a lane on your left to overtake.” However, there are exceptions that apply when a car undertakes in slow-moving traffic if its lane is moving faster than a lane on the right, undertaking in this circumstance is often deemed safer than weaving in and out of traffic.

Rule 268 of The Highway Code states: “In congested conditions, where adjacent lanes of traffic are moving at similar speeds, traffic in left-hand lanes may sometimes be moving faster than traffic to the right. In these conditions you may keep up with the traffic in your lane even if this means passing traffic in the lane to you right. Do not weave in and out of lanes to overtake.”

...............anyway back to our collection of mostly very ordinary plates!! :)
Was he travelling at less than the speed limit?
Of course, so many drivers paying zero attention to their surroundings these days

I’ve spent the last 4 months working as a professional driver delivering cars and cans all over the country. Done about 25k miles in that time and it’s been eye opening. I spend my time driving as unobtrusively as I can, spend far too much time on the road to cope with being angry. We are warned when we start the job that many of the vehicles we deliver have trackers, many have dash cams, and speeding is a disciplinary matter

I spend more of my time left of the outside lane than in it, but it’s a long way from lane 1 to lane 4 to pass the lane 3 hoggers driving along in their own little world

Far too many people seem hell bent on causing an adverse reaction, drive like tw@ts looking for trouble, far too many on the phone despite the risk of points and far too many just don’t have a clue. Far too many weaving in and out along motorways in the hope they might gain a place and to hell with causing others to take evasive action when someone panics and brakes too hard

It’s complete anarchy on the roads and cameras just don’t pick up these occurrences in the way that actual Police presence used to
Nothing to do with my entitlement.

Firstly I apologise wholeheartedly if you felt that I was having a dig at you @nyssa7 . :(
Be assured I WAS NOT. I was NOT suggesting that you had a sense of entitlement..

Reading my post back (which was intended to be a lighthearted quip ) I can see how you could have misconstrued my meaning.
Fwiw I too find drivers who live in their own little bubbles, utterly oblivious to the intentions of other road users, incredibly frustrating. It is their entitled attitude, that flies in the face of common sense, that I was referring to.

I was indeed taking the opportunity to infer that your desire to pass may have "had an inherent flaw", and whilst considering that to have been a dig would have been sound, it was said entirely "tongue in cheek" as it would really have been any of us. ( Myself most certainly included).
Gotcha....I thought you were looking to defend his behaviour if he was out there at 70 mph...Its not technically illegal to overtake on the inside anyway....the highway code says...

Although not strictly illegal, undertaking is strongly discouraged by The Highway Code, stating “do not overtake on the left or move to a lane on your left to overtake.” However, there are exceptions that apply when a car undertakes in slow-moving traffic if its lane is moving faster than a lane on the right, undertaking in this circumstance is often deemed safer than weaving in and out of traffic.

Rule 268 of The Highway Code states: “In congested conditions, where adjacent lanes of traffic are moving at similar speeds, traffic in left-hand lanes may sometimes be moving faster than traffic to the right. In these conditions you may keep up with the traffic in your lane even if this means passing traffic in the lane to you right. Do not weave in and out of lanes to overtake.”

...............anyway back to our collection of mostly very ordinary plates!! :)
So what I said then… 😁
From my travels today.. FA57 BNZ on a fast Mercedes and BA11 FAD on something non Mercedes….
and quad exhaust tips on a black V class too, but don’t recall the number plate…

Firstly I apologise wholeheartedly if you felt that I was having a dig at you @nyssa7 . :(
Be assured I WAS NOT. I was NOT suggesting that you had a sense of entitlement..

Reading my post back (which was intended to be a lighthearted quip ) I can see how you could have misconstrued my meaning.
Fwiw I too find drivers who live in their own little bubbles, utterly oblivious to the intentions of other road users, incredibly frustrating. It is their entitled attitude, that flies in the face of common sense, that I was referring to.

I was indeed taking the opportunity to infer that your desire to pass may have "had an inherent flaw", and whilst considering that to have been a dig would have been sound, it was said entirely "tongue in cheek" as it would really have been any of us. ( Myself most certainly included).
Appreciate your apology, I did jump on it all wrong which probably says something about me as well, so I apologise back

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Audi Q5 today with the plate SEN5E, tbf not too sure it was a convincing S where it should have been a 5 🫢
Either J 5NOB OR J5 NOB, not sure what one is worse. Votes please:rolleyes:
Don’t get your point, maybe I didn’t word it well. The plates on the Audi illegal both because there were no gaps, and because the 5 was an S pretending to be a 5
My point was it’s quite a straightforward albeit obvious plate.
It’s illegal but so what. You’ve never broken the law before??
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Just got back from a very good mates 60th.

He’s got PBD 1 on his Bentley, his wife has 51 FD on her Range Rover. Pete Donoghue and Fiona Donoghue.
His bro in law John McGowan has 1 JDM on his Range Rover.

Too much money in skip hire or as they call it nowadays…..Waste Management.
G12 OUT on a Range Rover Sport in Northwood

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