I decided to change the ATF...easy.......... undo a few bolts, drain, turn TC, drain, new filter & gasket, bolt back together, fill up....
Except one of the bolts has seized. Law of Sod means it was the last one. So put it all back together, and now it is very slightly leaking. I assume I am going to have (to get – beyond me) to drill out the seized bolt, etc.
I’ve been quoted £210.00 (inc) for new filter, gasket, oil, and fix seized bolt, by Wayne Gates in Harrow. Is this reasonable and has anyone dealt with them before ?
What are my options other than above ?
Except one of the bolts has seized. Law of Sod means it was the last one. So put it all back together, and now it is very slightly leaking. I assume I am going to have (to get – beyond me) to drill out the seized bolt, etc.
I’ve been quoted £210.00 (inc) for new filter, gasket, oil, and fix seized bolt, by Wayne Gates in Harrow. Is this reasonable and has anyone dealt with them before ?
What are my options other than above ?