I had my detailer come over last Tuesday to get the scratch out of the bonnet whereby he found another couple which have now been buffed out and the bonnet is again looking like a piece of glass without the cracks showing. Really pleased and impressed with Robs work as usual.
Anyway over the past few days and the weather being a little kinder to us I have had a chance to now unleash this beasts fury and I have to say I now have the respect of this car as it showed me what a bit of disrespect can do. I took a few friends out to show them the power of this monster and to have a car spin up from 70 mph, yes 70....really did throw me and show me that you can't be too over confident with it as it will surprise you every time you take the mick out of it. I pushed the button on the centre consul to manual and worked the paddles, the ferocious way this car pulls is incredible and trying to keep traction was a but tricky. I overtook a car on a fast carrigeway and the back end decided to step out as it went over the white lines and I had one of those "heart jump into the throat" moments. Once she had straightened up and I had a clear piece of road in front of me I put my foot to the floor and oh my word that noise just kicked in and she took off like a lightning bolt. Reading and hearing about the gearbox on the 63 made me realise this may not be to everyones taste in the way the change is not as quick and instantaneous as some may like but I found it very smooth and more responsive than what I have been lead to believe and read. Very nice. Coming to a roundabout I wanted to see how the feel was as I went round to come back up and the back stepped out a little but the traction control kicked in and very quickly bought it back into line which to be honest I found a little irritating but glad that this is there to tell you that you are taking liberties.
When I got back to my friends house I think the smiles from me and the others that had been in the car proved just how impressive this monster is and can be. One of the things I have noticed since owning the car is how many people look at it and want to ask questions about it, it has happened quite a few times now just from filling it up at the petrol station in which the surprise when you tell them that there is a 6.2 ltr V8 under the bonnet.
The big test will be the track days that Ricky is arranging in which I am so looking forward to seeing how she performs on the track and being able to switch the traction control off. There is no question now that I have taken her past the 1000 mile mark that this is a pure track day car more so than your everyday family saloon and was definately the right choice for me in what I was looking for and wanting in a fun car. Comparing this now to the DB9 I drove and wanting at the time, it is a more total package that doesn't dissapoint and I am so glad that I went for my choice with the C63.