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DIY service A for CLK 200


New Member
Feb 22, 2008
I own a 1997 CLK 200 (in Northampton) and it is due for it's next A service (at 52,000 miles !).
In my previous life I have undertaken a WIDE range of tasks involving car maintenance (including engine removal/repairs, gearbox replacement, etc.) and would now like to attempt this servicing myself (particularly as I have been quoted £250 - that is the cheapest since it would be undertaken by a private garage).
Has anyone out there done this themselves; if so, what were the major problems you encountered ?
I also need to establish just what tasks this service should include. [I know that one of the items is the replacement of the spark plugs; a quick look under the bonnet has revealed that they appear to be nowhere in sight !!]
I do have a fairly comprehensive set of spanners, etc. but are there any specialised tools required for any of the tasks ?
Any recommendations regarding UK suppliers of suitable MB replacement items would also be useful.
I have also seen various MB 'manuals' (e.g. CDs, DVDs, etc.) offered on Ebay. Would any of these items prove useful to me ?
Hopefully someone out there can give me a view on the feasibility of tackling this service myself.
Easy job mate. Spark plugs are under the red coloured cover in the center of the rocker cover. (5mm allen key). Plugs under coil packs (may not be fitted to this model) torex socket to remove. Oil filter at front right hand side of engine (Special socket. Obtainable from Hellfrauds for about £9) Sump plug 13mm. Under tray 8mm bolts. Air filter, clip on, but take the box out to remove the dust and debris. Use copper slip on the plug threads and torque down to 11 ft lbs

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