Finally got around to some more investigation, friend came around with his oscilloscope and most coils seemed okay but one had a very faint signal, stuck a new set of plug leads on and the misfire has completely dissapeared
Well i have fitted 11 the other 5 i will finish this weekend when i remember to bring the torx tools home.
Measured the old removed ones and all had a resistance of just over 2 ohms but one has over 3 ohms so this maybe the faulty lead?
Anyway runs a treat, noticed wifes C320 has a slight misfire to so will measure hers
and if i find a duff one i will generously donate one of my old ones.
Leads made by a company called XL, cost incl vat was £78 which i think is very cheap for 16 leads, all to long so had to shorten leads easy job.

Well i have fitted 11 the other 5 i will finish this weekend when i remember to bring the torx tools home.
Measured the old removed ones and all had a resistance of just over 2 ohms but one has over 3 ohms so this maybe the faulty lead?
Anyway runs a treat, noticed wifes C320 has a slight misfire to so will measure hers

Leads made by a company called XL, cost incl vat was £78 which i think is very cheap for 16 leads, all to long so had to shorten leads easy job.